module documentation

Utility functions to expand configuration directives or special values (such glob patterns). We can split the process of interpreting configuration files into 2 steps: 1. The parsing the file contents from strings to value objects that can be understand by Python (for example a string with a comma separated list of keywords into an actual Python list of strings). 2. The expansion (or post-processing) of these values according to the semantics ``setuptools`` assign to them (for example a configuration field with the ``file:`` directive should be expanded from a list of file paths to a single string with the contents of those files concatenated) This module focus on the second step, and therefore allow sharing the expansion functions among several configuration file formats. **PRIVATE MODULE**: API reserved for setuptools internal usage only.

Class EnsurePackagesDiscovered Some expand functions require all the packages to already be discovered before they run, e.g. :func:`read_attr`, :func:`resolve_class`, :func:`cmdclass`.
Class LazyMappingProxy Mapping proxy that delays resolving the target object, until really needed.
Class StaticModule Proxy to a module object that avoids executing arbitrary code.
Function canonic_data_files For compatibility with ````, ``data_files`` should be a list of pairs instead of a dict.
Function canonic_package_data Undocumented
Function cmdclass Given a dictionary mapping command names to strings for qualified class names, apply :func:`resolve_class` to the dict values.
Function entry_points Given the contents of entry-points file, process it into a 2-level dictionary (``dict[str, dict[str, str]]``). The first level keys are entry-point groups, the second level keys are entry-point names, and the second level values are references to objects (that correspond to the entry-point value).
Function find_packages Works similarly to :func:`setuptools.find_packages`, but with all arguments given as keyword arguments. Moreover, ``where`` can be given as a list (the results will be simply concatenated).
Function glob_relative Expand the list of glob patterns, but preserving relative paths.
Function read_attr Reads the value of an attribute from a module.
Function read_files Return the content of the files concatenated using `` `` as str
Function resolve_class Given a qualified class name, return the associated class object
Function version When getting the version directly from an attribute, it should be normalised to string.
Function _assert_local Undocumented
Function _filter_existing_files Undocumented
Function _find_module Given a module (that could normally be imported by ``module_name`` after the build is complete), find the path to the parent directory where it is contained and the canonical name that could be used to import it considering the ``package_dir`` in the build configuration and ``root_dir``...
Function _find_spec Undocumented
Function _load_spec Undocumented
Function _nest_path Undocumented
Function _read_file Undocumented
Type Variable _K Undocumented
Type Variable _V Undocumented
Type Alias _Path Undocumented
def canonic_data_files(data_files: Union[list, dict], root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None) -> List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]: (source)

For compatibility with ````, ``data_files`` should be a list of pairs instead of a dict. This function also expands glob patterns.

def canonic_package_data(package_data: dict) -> dict: (source)


def cmdclass(values: Dict[str, str], package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None) -> Dict[str, Callable]: (source)

Given a dictionary mapping command names to strings for qualified class names, apply :func:`resolve_class` to the dict values.

def entry_points(text: str, text_source='entry-points') -> Dict[str, dict]: (source)

Given the contents of entry-points file, process it into a 2-level dictionary (``dict[str, dict[str, str]]``). The first level keys are entry-point groups, the second level keys are entry-point names, and the second level values are references to objects (that correspond to the entry-point value).

def find_packages(*, namespaces=True, fill_package_dir: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: (source)

Works similarly to :func:`setuptools.find_packages`, but with all arguments given as keyword arguments. Moreover, ``where`` can be given as a list (the results will be simply concatenated). When the additional keyword argument ``namespaces`` is ``True``, it will behave like :func:`setuptools.find_namespace_packages`` (i.e. include implicit namespaces as per :pep:`420`). The ``where`` argument will be considered relative to ``root_dir`` (or the current working directory when ``root_dir`` is not given). If the ``fill_package_dir`` argument is passed, this function will consider it as a similar data structure to the ``package_dir`` configuration parameter add fill-in any missing package location. :rtype: list

def glob_relative(patterns: Iterable[str], root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None) -> List[str]: (source)

Expand the list of glob patterns, but preserving relative paths. :param list[str] patterns: List of glob patterns :param str root_dir: Path to which globs should be relative (current directory by default) :rtype: list

def read_attr(attr_desc: str, package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None): (source)

Reads the value of an attribute from a module. This function will try to read the attributed statically first (via :func:`ast.literal_eval`), and only evaluate the module if it fails. Examples: read_attr("package.attr") read_attr("package.module.attr") :param str attr_desc: Dot-separated string describing how to reach the attribute (see examples above) :param dict[str, str] package_dir: Mapping of package names to their location in disk (represented by paths relative to ``root_dir``). :param str root_dir: Path to directory containing all the packages in ``package_dir`` (current directory by default). :rtype: str

def read_files(filepaths: Union[str, bytes, Iterable[_Path]], root_dir=None) -> str: (source)

Return the content of the files concatenated using `` `` as str This function is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside ``root_dir`` (By default ``root_dir`` is the current directory).

def resolve_class(qualified_class_name: str, package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None) -> Callable: (source)

Given a qualified class name, return the associated class object

def version(value: Union[Callable, Iterable[Union[str, int]], str]) -> str: (source)

When getting the version directly from an attribute, it should be normalised to string.

def _assert_local(filepath: _Path, root_dir: str): (source)


def _filter_existing_files(filepaths: Iterable[_Path]) -> Iterator[_Path]: (source)


def _find_module(module_name: str, package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]], root_dir: _Path) -> Tuple[_Path, Optional[str], str]: (source)

Given a module (that could normally be imported by ``module_name`` after the build is complete), find the path to the parent directory where it is contained and the canonical name that could be used to import it considering the ``package_dir`` in the build configuration and ``root_dir``

def _find_spec(module_name: str, module_path: Optional[_Path]) -> ModuleSpec: (source)


def _load_spec(spec: ModuleSpec, module_name: str) -> ModuleType: (source)


def _nest_path(parent: _Path, path: _Path) -> str: (source)


def _read_file(filepath: Union[bytes, _Path]) -> str: (source)







Union[str, os.PathLike]