class documentation

class PlatformInfo: (source)

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Current and Target Architectures information. Parameters ---------- arch: str Target architecture.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method cross_dir Cross platform specific subfolder.
Method current_dir Current platform specific subfolder.
Method current_is_x86 Return True if current CPU is x86 32 bits..
Method target_dir Target platform specific subfolder.
Method target_is_x86 Return True if target CPU is x86 32 bits..
Class Variable current_cpu Undocumented
Instance Variable arch Undocumented
Property target_cpu Return Target CPU architecture.
def __init__(self, arch): (source)


def cross_dir(self, forcex86=False): (source)

Cross platform specific subfolder. Parameters ---------- forcex86: bool Use 'x86' as current architecture even if current architecture is not x86. Return ------ str subfolder: '' if target architecture is current architecture, '\current_target' if not.

def current_dir(self, hidex86=False, x64=False): (source)

Current platform specific subfolder. Parameters ---------- hidex86: bool return '' and not '†' if architecture is x86. x64: bool return 'd' and not 'md64' if architecture is amd64. Return ------ str subfolder: ' arget', or '' (see hidex86 parameter)

def current_is_x86(self): (source)

Return True if current CPU is x86 32 bits.. Return ------ bool CPU is x86 32 bits

def target_dir(self, hidex86=False, x64=False): (source)

Target platform specific subfolder. Parameters ---------- hidex86: bool return '' and not '\x86' if architecture is x86. x64: bool return '\x64' and not '\amd64' if architecture is amd64. Return ------ str subfolder: '\current', or '' (see hidex86 parameter)

def target_is_x86(self): (source)

Return True if target CPU is x86 32 bits.. Return ------ bool CPU is x86 32 bits

current_cpu = (source)



Return Target CPU architecture. Return ------ str Target CPU