class documentation

class SystemInfo: (source)

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Microsoft Windows and Visual Studio related system information. Parameters ---------- registry_info: RegistryInfo "RegistryInfo" instance. vc_ver: float Required Microsoft Visual C++ version.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method find_programdata_vs_vers Find Visual studio 2017+ versions from information in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_Instances".
Method find_reg_vs_vers Find Microsoft Visual Studio versions available in registry.
Class Variable ProgramFiles Undocumented
Class Variable ProgramFilesx86 Undocumented
Class Variable WinDir Undocumented
Instance Variable known_vs_paths Undocumented
Instance Variable pi Undocumented
Instance Variable ri Undocumented
Instance Variable vc_ver Undocumented
Instance Variable vs_ver Undocumented
Property FrameworkDir32 Microsoft .NET Framework 32bit directory.
Property FrameworkDir64 Microsoft .NET Framework 64bit directory.
Property FrameworkVersion32 Microsoft .NET Framework 32bit versions.
Property FrameworkVersion64 Microsoft .NET Framework 64bit versions.
Property FSharpInstallDir Microsoft Visual F# directory.
Property NetFxSdkDir Microsoft .NET Framework SDK directory.
Property NetFxSdkVersion Microsoft .NET Framework SDK versions.
Property UniversalCRTSdkDir Microsoft Universal CRT SDK directory.
Property UniversalCRTSdkLastVersion Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK last version.
Property VCInstallDir Microsoft Visual C++ directory.
Property VSInstallDir Microsoft Visual Studio directory.
Property WindowsSdkDir Microsoft Windows SDK directory.
Property WindowsSDKExecutablePath Microsoft Windows SDK executable directory.
Property WindowsSdkLastVersion Microsoft Windows SDK last version.
Property WindowsSdkVersion Microsoft Windows SDK versions for specified MSVC++ version.
Static Method _as_float_version Return a string version as a simplified float version (major.minor)
Static Method _use_last_dir_name Return name of the last dir in path or '' if no dir found.
Method _find_dot_net_versions Find Microsoft .NET Framework versions.
Method _find_latest_available_vs_ver Find the latest VC version
Method _guess_vc Locate Visual C++ for VS2017+.
Method _guess_vc_legacy Locate Visual C++ for versions prior to 2017.
def __init__(self, registry_info, vc_ver=None): (source)


def find_programdata_vs_vers(self): (source)

Find Visual studio 2017+ versions from information in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\_Instances". Return ------ dict float version as key, path as value.

def find_reg_vs_vers(self): (source)

Find Microsoft Visual Studio versions available in registry. Return ------ list of float Versions

ProgramFiles = (source)


ProgramFilesx86 = (source)



known_vs_paths = (source)






FrameworkDir32 = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework 32bit directory. Return ------ str path

FrameworkDir64 = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework 64bit directory. Return ------ str path

FrameworkVersion32 = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework 32bit versions. Return ------ tuple of str versions

FrameworkVersion64 = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework 64bit versions. Return ------ tuple of str versions

FSharpInstallDir = (source)

Microsoft Visual F# directory. Return ------ str path

NetFxSdkDir = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework SDK directory. Return ------ str path

NetFxSdkVersion = (source)

Microsoft .NET Framework SDK versions. Return ------ tuple of str versions

UniversalCRTSdkDir = (source)

Microsoft Universal CRT SDK directory. Return ------ str path

UniversalCRTSdkLastVersion = (source)

Microsoft Universal C Runtime SDK last version. Return ------ str version

VCInstallDir = (source)

Microsoft Visual C++ directory. Return ------ str path

VSInstallDir = (source)

Microsoft Visual Studio directory. Return ------ str path

WindowsSdkDir = (source)

Microsoft Windows SDK directory. Return ------ str path

WindowsSDKExecutablePath = (source)

Microsoft Windows SDK executable directory. Return ------ str path

WindowsSdkLastVersion = (source)

Microsoft Windows SDK last version. Return ------ str version

WindowsSdkVersion = (source)

Microsoft Windows SDK versions for specified MSVC++ version. Return ------ tuple of str versions

def _as_float_version(version): (source)

Return a string version as a simplified float version (major.minor) Parameters ---------- version: str Version. Return ------ float version

def _use_last_dir_name(path, prefix=''): (source)

Return name of the last dir in path or '' if no dir found. Parameters ---------- path: str Use dirs in this path prefix: str Use only dirs starting by this prefix Return ------ str name

def _find_dot_net_versions(self, bits): (source)

Find Microsoft .NET Framework versions. Parameters ---------- bits: int Platform number of bits: 32 or 64. Return ------ tuple of str versions

def _find_latest_available_vs_ver(self): (source)

Find the latest VC version Return ------ float version

def _guess_vc(self): (source)

Locate Visual C++ for VS2017+. Return ------ str path

def _guess_vc_legacy(self): (source)

Locate Visual C++ for versions prior to 2017. Return ------ str path