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class TestCustomBuildPy: (source)

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Issue #3501 indicates that some plugins/customizations might rely on: 1. ``build_py`` not running 2. ``build_py`` always copying files to ``build_lib`` During the transition period setuptools should prevent potential errors from happening due to those assumptions.

Method test_safeguarded_from_errors Ensure that errors in custom build_py are reported as warnings
Constant FILES Undocumented
def test_safeguarded_from_errors(self, tmp_path, venv): (source)

Ensure that errors in custom build_py are reported as warnings


{None: TestOverallBehaviour.EXAMPLES['flat-layout'],
 '': dedent('''            import pathlib
            from setuptools import setup
            from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py as orig

            class my_build_py(orig):
                def run(self):