module documentation


Class TestCustomBuildExt Undocumented
Class TestCustomBuildPy Issue #3501 indicates that some plugins/customizations might rely on:
Class TestCustomBuildWheel Undocumented
Class TestFinderTemplate This test focus in getting a particular implementation detail right. If at some point in time the implementation is changed for something different, this test can be modified or even excluded.
Class TestLegacyNamespaces Ported from test_develop
Class TestLinkTree Undocumented
Class TestOverallBehaviour Undocumented
Class TestPep420Namespaces No class docstring; 3/3 methods documented
Function assert_link_to Undocumented
Function assert_path Undocumented
Function comparable_path Undocumented
Function editable_opts Undocumented
Function install_project Undocumented
Function test_compat_install Undocumented
Function test_debugging_tips Make sure to display useful debugging tips to the user.
Function test_editable_with_flat_layout Undocumented
Function test_editable_with_prefix Editable install to a prefix should be discoverable.
Function test_editable_with_pyproject Undocumented
Function test_editable_with_single_module Undocumented
Function test_pbr_integration Ensure editable installs work with pbr, issue #3500
Function test_pkg_roots This test focus in getting a particular implementation detail right. If at some point in time the implementation is changed for something different, this test can be modified or even excluded.
Constant EXAMPLE Undocumented
Constant SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB Undocumented
def assert_link_to(file: Path, other: Path): (source)


def assert_path(pkg, expected): (source)


def comparable_path(str_with_path: str) -> str: (source)


@pytest.fixture(params=['strict', 'lenient'])
def editable_opts(request): (source)


def install_project(name, venv, tmp_path, files, *opts): (source)


def test_compat_install(tmp_path, venv): (source)


def test_debugging_tips(tmpdir_cwd, monkeypatch): (source)

Make sure to display useful debugging tips to the user.

def test_editable_with_flat_layout(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): (source)


@pytest.mark.xfail((platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy'), reason='Workaround fails on PyPy (why?)')
def test_editable_with_prefix(tmp_path, sample_project, editable_opts): (source)

Editable install to a prefix should be discoverable.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('files', [{None: EXAMPLE, '': SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB}, EXAMPLE])
def test_editable_with_pyproject(tmp_path, venv, files, editable_opts): (source)


def test_editable_with_single_module(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): (source)


def test_pbr_integration(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): (source)

Ensure editable installs work with pbr, issue #3500

def test_pkg_roots(tmp_path): (source)

This test focus in getting a particular implementation detail right. If at some point in time the implementation is changed for something different, this test can be modified or even excluded.


{'pyproject.toml': dedent('''        [build-system]
        requires = ["setuptools"]
        build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

        name = "mypkg"
        version = "3.14159"
SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB: str = (source)

