class documentation

class CStructObject(CObject): (source)

View In Hierarchy


Class Variable object_type Undocumented

Inherited from CObject:

Method add_target_and_index Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.
Method after_content Called after parsing content. Used to reset information about the current directive context on the build environment.
Method before_content Called before parsing content. Used to set information about the current directive context on the build environment.
Method describe_signature Undocumented
Method get_index_text Undocumented
Method handle_signature Parse the signature *sig* into individual nodes and append them to *signode*. If ValueError is raised, parsing is aborted and the whole *sig* is put into a single desc_name node.
Method make_old_id Generate old styled node_id for C objects.
Method parse_definition Undocumented
Method run Main directive entry function, called by docutils upon encountering the directive.
Class Variable option_spec Undocumented
Instance Variable oldParentKey Undocumented
Instance Variable oldParentSymbol Undocumented
Property display_object_type Undocumented
Method _add_enumerator_to_parent Undocumented

Inherited from ObjectDescription (via CObject):

Method get_field_type_map Undocumented
Method get_signatures Retrieve the signatures to document from the directive arguments. By default, signatures are given as arguments, one per line.
Method transform_content Called after creating the content through nested parsing, but before the ``object-description-transform`` event is emitted, and before the info-fields are transformed. Can be used to manipulate the content.
Class Variable doc_field_types Undocumented
Class Variable final_argument_whitespace Undocumented
Class Variable has_content Undocumented
Class Variable optional_arguments Undocumented
Class Variable required_arguments Undocumented
Instance Variable domain Undocumented
Instance Variable indexnode Undocumented
Instance Variable names Undocumented
Instance Variable objtype Undocumented
Method _object_hierarchy_parts Returns a tuple of strings, one entry for each part of the object's hierarchy (e.g. ``('module', 'submodule', 'Class', 'method')``). The returned tuple is used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents, and can also be used within the :py:meth:`_toc_entry_name` method.
Method _toc_entry_name Returns the text of the table of contents entry for the object.
Instance Variable _doc_field_type_map Undocumented

Inherited from SphinxDirective (via CObject, ObjectDescription):

Method get_location Get current location info for logging.
Method get_source_info Get source and line number.
Method set_source_info Set source and line number to the node.
Property config Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.
Property env Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.
object_type: str = (source)
