class documentation

Description of a general Python object. :cvar allow_nesting: Class is an object that allows for nested namespaces :vartype allow_nesting: bool

Method add_target_and_index Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.
Method after_content Handle object de-nesting after content
Method before_content Handle object nesting before content
Method get_index_text Return the text for the index entry of the object.
Method get_signature_prefix May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature.
Method handle_signature Transform a Python signature into RST nodes.
Method needs_arglist May return true if an empty argument list is to be generated even if the document contains none.
Class Variable allow_nesting Undocumented
Class Variable doc_field_types Undocumented
Class Variable option_spec Undocumented
Method _object_hierarchy_parts Returns a tuple of strings, one entry for each part of the object's hierarchy (e.g. ``('module', 'submodule', 'Class', 'method')``). The returned tuple is used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents, and can also be used within the :py:meth:`_toc_entry_name` method.
Method _toc_entry_name Returns the text of the table of contents entry for the object.

Inherited from ObjectDescription:

Method get_field_type_map Undocumented
Method get_signatures Retrieve the signatures to document from the directive arguments. By default, signatures are given as arguments, one per line.
Method run Main directive entry function, called by docutils upon encountering the directive.
Method transform_content Called after creating the content through nested parsing, but before the ``object-description-transform`` event is emitted, and before the info-fields are transformed. Can be used to manipulate the content.
Class Variable final_argument_whitespace Undocumented
Class Variable has_content Undocumented
Class Variable optional_arguments Undocumented
Class Variable required_arguments Undocumented
Instance Variable domain Undocumented
Instance Variable indexnode Undocumented
Instance Variable names Undocumented
Instance Variable objtype Undocumented
Instance Variable _doc_field_type_map Undocumented

Inherited from SphinxDirective (via ObjectDescription):

Method get_location Get current location info for logging.
Method get_source_info Get source and line number.
Method set_source_info Set source and line number to the node.
Property config Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.
Property env Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.
def add_target_and_index(self, name_cls, sig, signode): (source)

Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable. *name* is whatever :meth:`handle_signature()` returned.

name_cls:tuple[str, str]Undocumented
def after_content(self): (source)

Handle object de-nesting after content If this class is a nestable object, removing the last nested class prefix ends further nesting in the object. If this class is not a nestable object, the list of classes should not be altered as we didn't affect the nesting levels in :py:meth:`before_content`.

def before_content(self): (source)

Handle object nesting before content :py:class:`PyObject` represents Python language constructs. For constructs that are nestable, such as a Python classes, this method will build up a stack of the nesting hierarchy so that it can be later de-nested correctly, in :py:meth:`after_content`. For constructs that aren't nestable, the stack is bypassed, and instead only the most recent object is tracked. This object prefix name will be removed with :py:meth:`after_content`.

def get_index_text(self, modname, name): (source)

Return the text for the index entry of the object.

name:tuple[str, str]Undocumented
def get_signature_prefix(self, sig): (source)

May return a prefix to put before the object name in the signature.

def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): (source)

Transform a Python signature into RST nodes. Return (fully qualified name of the thing, classname if any). If inside a class, the current class name is handled intelligently: * it is stripped from the displayed name if present * it is added to the full name (return value) if not present

tuple[str, str]Undocumented
def needs_arglist(self): (source)

May return true if an empty argument list is to be generated even if the document contains none.

allow_nesting: bool = (source)


def _object_hierarchy_parts(self, sig_node): (source)

Returns a tuple of strings, one entry for each part of the object's hierarchy (e.g. ``('module', 'submodule', 'Class', 'method')``). The returned tuple is used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents, and can also be used within the :py:meth:`_toc_entry_name` method. This method must not be used outwith table of contents generation.

tuple[str, ...]Undocumented
def _toc_entry_name(self, sig_node): (source)

Returns the text of the table of contents entry for the object. This function is called once, in :py:meth:`run`, to set the name for the table of contents entry (a special attribute ``_toc_name`` is set on the object node, later used in ``environment.collectors.toctree.TocTreeCollector.process_doc().build_toc()`` when the table of contents entries are collected). To support table of contents entries for their objects, domains must override this method, also respecting the configuration setting ``toc_object_entries_show_parents``. Domains must also override :py:meth:`_object_hierarchy_parts`, with one (string) entry for each part of the object's hierarchy. The result of this method is set on the signature node, and can be accessed as ``sig_node['_toc_parts']`` for use within this method. The resulting tuple is also used to properly nest children within parents in the table of contents. An example implementations of this method is within the python domain (:meth:`PyObject._toc_entry_name`). The python domain sets the ``_toc_parts`` attribute within the :py:meth:`handle_signature()` method.
