class documentation


Class Method all_selected_columns Undocumented
Class Method determine_last_joined_entity Undocumented
Class Method from_statement Undocumented
Class Method get_column_descriptions Undocumented
Class Method get_columns_clause_froms Undocumented
Class Method get_plugin_class Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable default_select_compile_options Undocumented
Instance Variable columns_plus_names Undocumented
Instance Variable from_clauses Undocumented
Instance Variable froms Undocumented
Instance Variable statement Undocumented
Class Method _column_naming_convention Undocumented
Class Method _normalize_froms given an iterable of things to select FROM, reduce them to what would actually render in the FROM clause of a SELECT.
Class Method _plugin_not_implemented Undocumented
Method _get_display_froms Return the full list of 'from' clauses to be displayed.
Method _get_froms Undocumented
Method _join_determine_implicit_left_side When join conditions don't express the left side explicitly, determine if an existing FROM or entity in this query can serve as the left hand side.
Method _join_place_explicit_left_side Undocumented
Method _memoized_attr__label_resolve_dict Undocumented
Method _setup_joins Undocumented
Instance Variable _ambiguous_table_name_map Undocumented

Inherited from MemoizedSlots:

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method _fallback_getattr Undocumented

Inherited from CompileState (via MemoizedSlots):

Class Method create_for_statement Undocumented
Class Method plugin_for Undocumented
Class Variable plugins Undocumented
Class Method _get_plugin_class_for_plugin Undocumented
def all_selected_columns(cls, statement: Select[Any]) -> _SelectIterable: (source)
def determine_last_joined_entity(cls, stmt: Select[Any]) -> Optional[_JoinTargetElement]: (source)
def from_statement(cls, statement: Select[Any], from_statement: roles.ReturnsRowsRole) -> ExecutableReturnsRows: (source)
def get_column_descriptions(cls, statement: Select[Any]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: (source)


def get_columns_clause_froms(cls, statement: Select[Any]) -> List[FromClause]: (source)
def get_plugin_class(cls, statement: Executable) -> Type[SelectState]: (source)
def __init__(self, statement: Select[Any], compiler: Optional[SQLCompiler], **kw: Any): (source)
default_select_compile_options: CacheableOptions = (source)


columns_plus_names = (source)


from_clauses = (source)


def _column_naming_convention(cls, label_style: SelectLabelStyle) -> _LabelConventionCallable: (source)


def _normalize_froms(cls, iterable_of_froms: Iterable[FromClause], check_statement: Optional[Select[Any]] = None, ambiguous_table_name_map: Optional[_AmbiguousTableNameMap] = None) -> List[FromClause]: (source)

given an iterable of things to select FROM, reduce them to what would actually render in the FROM clause of a SELECT. This does the job of checking for JOINs, tables, etc. that are in fact overlapping due to cloning, adaption, present in overlapping joins, etc.

def _plugin_not_implemented(cls) -> NoReturn: (source)


def _get_display_froms(self, explicit_correlate_froms: Optional[Sequence[FromClause]] = None, implicit_correlate_froms: Optional[Sequence[FromClause]] = None) -> List[FromClause]: (source)

Return the full list of 'from' clauses to be displayed. Takes into account a set of existing froms which may be rendered in the FROM clause of enclosing selects; this Select may want to leave those absent if it is automatically correlating.

def _get_froms(self, statement: Select[Any]) -> List[FromClause]: (source)


def _join_determine_implicit_left_side(self, raw_columns: List[_ColumnsClauseElement], left: Optional[FromClause], right: _JoinTargetElement, onclause: Optional[ColumnElement[Any]]) -> Tuple[Optional[FromClause], Optional[int]]: (source)

When join conditions don't express the left side explicitly, determine if an existing FROM or entity in this query can serve as the left hand side.

def _join_place_explicit_left_side(self, left: FromClause) -> Optional[int]: (source)
def _memoized_attr__label_resolve_dict(self) -> Tuple[Dict[str, ColumnElement[Any]], Dict[str, ColumnElement[Any]], Dict[str, ColumnElement[Any]]]: (source)


def _setup_joins(self, args: Tuple[_SetupJoinsElement, ...], raw_columns: List[_ColumnsClauseElement]): (source)
