class documentation

class _ColumnsPlusNames(NamedTuple): (source)

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Class Variable column the ColumnElement itself
Class Variable fallback_label_name name that can be used to render an "AS <name>" when we have to render a label even though required_label_name was not given
Class Variable proxy_key proxy_key that is to be part of the result map for this col. this is also the key in a fromclause.c or select.selected_columns collection
Class Variable repeated True if this is a duplicate of a previous column in the list of columns
Class Variable required_label_name string label name, if non-None, must be rendered as a label, i.e. "AS <name>"

the ColumnElement itself

fallback_label_name: Optional[str] = (source)

name that can be used to render an "AS <name>" when we have to render a label even though required_label_name was not given

proxy_key that is to be part of the result map for this col. this is also the key in a fromclause.c or select.selected_columns collection

repeated: bool = (source)

True if this is a duplicate of a previous column in the list of columns

required_label_name: Optional[str] = (source)

string label name, if non-None, must be rendered as a label, i.e. "AS <name>"