module documentation

Tests for twisted.internet.posixbase and supporting code.

Class ConnectedDatagramPortTests Test connected datagram UNIX sockets.
Class IterationTimeoutTests Tests for the timeout argument calls PosixReactorBase.doIteration with in the presence of various delayed calls.
Class PosixReactorBaseTests Tests for PosixReactorBase.
Class TCPPortTests Tests for twisted.internet.tcp.Port.
Class TimeoutReportReactor A reactor which is just barely runnable and which cannot monitor any readers or writers, and which fires a Deferred with the timeout passed to its doIteration method as soon as that method is invoked.
Class TrivialReactor Undocumented
Class WakerTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class WarningCheckerTestCase A test case that will make sure that no warnings are left unchecked at the end of a test run.
Variable skipSockets Undocumented
skipSockets = (source)
