module documentation

Tests for twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks.

Some tests for inlineCallbacks are defined in twisted.test.test_defgen as well.

Class CancellationTests Tests for cancellation of Deferreds returned by inlineCallbacks. For each of these tests, let:
Class ForwardTraceBackTests No class docstring; 2/2 methods documented
Class NonLocalExitTests It's possible for returnValue to be (accidentally) invoked at a stack level below the inlineCallbacks-decorated function which it is exiting. If this happens, returnValue should report useful errors.
Class StopIterationReturnTests On Python 3.4 and newer generator functions may use the return statement with a value, which is attached to the StopIteration exception that is raised.
Exception DontFail Sample exception type.
Exception TranslatedError Translated exception type when testing an exception translation.
Exception UntranslatedError Untranslated exception type when testing an exception translation.