module documentation

Tests for implementations of IReactorUDP and the UDP parts of IReactorSocket.

Class DatagramTransportTestsMixin Mixin defining tests which apply to any port/datagram based transport.
Class UDPFDServerTestsBuilder Run UDPPortTestsMixin tests using adopted UDP sockets.
Class UDPPortTestsMixin Tests for IReactorUDP.listenUDP and IReactorSocket.adoptDatagramPort.
Class UDPServerTestsBuilder Run UDPPortTestsMixin tests using newly created UDP sockets.
Function skipWithoutIPv6 Undocumented
Constant HAS_IPV6 Undocumented
Function _has_ipv6 Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address.
def skipWithoutIPv6(f): (source)


HAS_IPV6 = (source)


def _has_ipv6(): (source)

Returns True if the system can bind an IPv6 address.