class documentation

Tests for all the commands a POP3 server is allowed to receive.

Method setUp Make a POP3 server protocol instance hooked up to a simple mailbox and a transport that buffers output to a BytesIO.
Method tearDown Disconnect the server protocol so it can clean up anything it might need to clean up.
Method test_HighestOnlyProgresses Test that downloading a message with a smaller index than the current LAST response doesn't change the LAST response.
Method test_LAST Test the exceedingly pointless LAST command, which tells you the highest message index which you have already downloaded.
Method test_LIST Test the two forms of list: with a message index number, which should return a short-form response, and without a message index number, which should return a long-form response, one line per message.
Method test_LISTWithBadArgument Test that non-integers and out-of-bound integers produce appropriate error responses.
Method test_ResetClearsHighest Test that issuing RSET changes the LAST response to 0.
Method test_RETR Test downloading a message.
Method test_RetrieveUpdatesHighest Test that issuing a RETR command updates the LAST response.
Method test_RETRWithBadArgument Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either not an integer or an out-of-bounds integer, fails with the appropriate error response.
Method test_STAT Test the single form of the STAT command, which returns a short-form response of the number of messages in the mailbox and their total size.
Method test_TOP Test downloading the headers and part of the body of a message.
Method test_TopUpdatesHighest Test that issuing a TOP command updates the LAST response.
Method test_TOPWithBadArgument Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either a message number which isn't an integer or is an out-of-bounds integer or a number of lines which isn't an integer or is a negative integer, fails with the appropriate error response.
Method test_UIDL Test the two forms of the UIDL command. These are just like the two forms of the LIST command.
Method test_UIDLWithBadArgument Test that UIDL with a non-integer or an out-of-bounds integer produces the appropriate error response.
Class Variable extraMessage Undocumented
Instance Variable pop3Server Undocumented
Instance Variable pop3Transport Undocumented
Method _flush Do some of the things that the reactor would take care of, if the reactor were actually running.
def setUp(self): (source)

Make a POP3 server protocol instance hooked up to a simple mailbox and a transport that buffers output to a BytesIO.

def tearDown(self): (source)

Disconnect the server protocol so it can clean up anything it might need to clean up.

def test_HighestOnlyProgresses(self): (source)

Test that downloading a message with a smaller index than the current LAST response doesn't change the LAST response.

def test_LAST(self): (source)

Test the exceedingly pointless LAST command, which tells you the highest message index which you have already downloaded.

def test_LIST(self): (source)

Test the two forms of list: with a message index number, which should return a short-form response, and without a message index number, which should return a long-form response, one line per message.

def test_LISTWithBadArgument(self): (source)

Test that non-integers and out-of-bound integers produce appropriate error responses.

def test_ResetClearsHighest(self): (source)

Test that issuing RSET changes the LAST response to 0.

def test_RETR(self): (source)

Test downloading a message.

def test_RetrieveUpdatesHighest(self): (source)

Test that issuing a RETR command updates the LAST response.

def test_RETRWithBadArgument(self): (source)

Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either not an integer or an out-of-bounds integer, fails with the appropriate error response.

def test_STAT(self): (source)

Test the single form of the STAT command, which returns a short-form response of the number of messages in the mailbox and their total size.

def test_TOP(self): (source)

Test downloading the headers and part of the body of a message.

def test_TopUpdatesHighest(self): (source)

Test that issuing a TOP command updates the LAST response.

def test_TOPWithBadArgument(self): (source)

Test that trying to download a message with a bad argument, either a message number which isn't an integer or is an out-of-bounds integer or a number of lines which isn't an integer or is a negative integer, fails with the appropriate error response.

def test_UIDL(self): (source)

Test the two forms of the UIDL command. These are just like the two forms of the LIST command.

def test_UIDLWithBadArgument(self): (source)

Test that UIDL with a non-integer or an out-of-bounds integer produces the appropriate error response.

extraMessage: bytes = (source)


pop3Server = (source)


pop3Transport = (source)


def _flush(self): (source)

Do some of the things that the reactor would take care of, if the reactor were actually running.