module documentation

Test cases for twisted.mail.pop3 module.

Class AnotherPOP3Tests Additional pop3.POP3 tests.
Class APOPCredentialsTests No class docstring; 1/1 method documented
Class AsyncDeferredMailbox Mailbox which has a listMessages implementation which returns a Deferred which has not yet fired.
Class CapabilityTests Tests for pop3.POP3's per-user capability handling.
Class CommandMixin Tests for all the commands a POP3 server is allowed to receive.
Class DummyDomain A virtual domain for a POP3 server.
Class DummyMailbox An in-memory pop3.IMailbox implementation.
Class DummyPOP3 A simple POP3 server with a hard-coded mailbox for any user.
Class DummyPOP3Auth Class to test successful authentication in twisted.mail.pop3.POP3.
Class GlobalCapabilitiesTests Tests for pop3.POP3's global capability handling.
Class IndexErrorAsyncDeferredCommandTests Run all of the IndexErrorCommandTests tests with an asynchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
Class IndexErrorCommandTests Run all of the command tests against a mailbox which raises IndexError when an out of bounds request is made. This behavior will be deprecated shortly and then removed.
Class IndexErrorSyncDeferredCommandTests Run all of the IndexErrorCommandTests tests with a synchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
Class ListMailbox A simple in-memory list implementation of IMailbox.
Class MyPOP3Downloader A POP3 client which downloads all messages from the server.
Class MyVirtualPOP3 A virtual-domain-supporting POP3 server.
Class POP3ClientDeprecationTests Tests for the now deprecated twisted.mail.pop3client module.
Class POP3MiscTests Miscellaneous tests more to do with module/package structure than anything to do with the Post Office Protocol.
Class POP3Tests Tests for pop3.POP3.
Class SASLTests Tests for pop3.POP3's SASL implementation.
Class SyncDeferredMailbox Mailbox which has a listMessages implementation which returns a Deferred which has already fired.
Class TestMailbox An incomplete IMailbox implementation with certain per-user values hard-coded and known by tests in this module.
Class TestRealm An IRealm which knows about a single test account's mailbox.
Class TestServerFactory A pop3.IServerFactory implementation, for use by the test suite, with some behavior controlled by the values of (settable) public attributes and other behavior based on values hard-coded both here and in some test methods.
Class UtilityTests Test the various helper functions and classes used by the POP3 server protocol implementation.
Class ValueErrorAsyncDeferredCommandTests Run all of the IndexErrorCommandTests tests with an asynchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
Class ValueErrorCommandTests Run all of the command tests against a mailbox which raises ValueError when an out of bounds request is made. This is the correct behavior and after support for mailboxes which raise IndexError is removed, this will become just ...
Class ValueErrorSyncDeferredCommandTests Run all of the ValueErrorCommandTests tests with a synchronous-Deferred returning IMailbox implementation.
Function contained Assert that the given capability is included in all of the capability sets.
Variable _getUidlDeprecation Undocumented
Variable _getUidlSuppression Undocumented
Variable _listMessageDeprecation Undocumented
Variable _listMessageSuppression Undocumented
def contained(testcase, s, *caps): (source)

Assert that the given capability is included in all of the capability sets.

testcaseA unittest.TestCase to use to make assertions.
s:bytesThe capability for which to check.
*caps:tuple of iterableThe capability sets in which to check.
_getUidlDeprecation: str = (source)


_getUidlSuppression = (source)


_listMessageDeprecation: str = (source)


_listMessageSuppression = (source)
