class documentation

An in-memory pop3.IMailbox implementation.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method deleteMessage Wipe the message at the given index.
Method getMessage Get the message content.
Method getUidl Construct a UID which is simply the string representation of the given index.
Method listMessages Get some message information.
Instance Variable exceptionType The type of exception to raise when an out-of-bounds index is addressed.
Instance Variable messages A sequence of bytes defining the messages in this mailbox.

Inherited from Mailbox:

Method sync Discard the contents of any message marked for deletion.
Method undeleteMessages Undelete all messages marked for deletion.
def __init__(self, exceptionType): (source)
def deleteMessage(self, i): (source)

Wipe the message at the given index.

iSee pop3.IMailbox.deleteMessage.
def getMessage(self, i): (source)
def getUidl(self, i): (source)

Construct a UID which is simply the string representation of the given index.

iSee pop3.IMailbox.getUidl.
See pop3.IMailbox.getUidl.
exceptionType = (source)

The type of exception to raise when an out-of-bounds index is addressed.

messages = (source)

A sequence of bytes defining the messages in this mailbox.