module documentation


Class BananaTestBase The base for test classes. It defines commonly used things and sets up a connection for testing.
Class BananaTests General banana tests.
Class DialectTests Tests for Banana's handling of dialects.
Class GlobalCoderTests Tests for the free functions banana.encode and banana.decode.
Class MathTests Undocumented
Function encode Banana encode an object using banana.Banana.sendEncoded.
Function selectDialect Dictate a Banana dialect to use.
Variable _maxint Undocumented
def encode(bananaFactory, obj): (source)

Banana encode an object using banana.Banana.sendEncoded.

bananaFactoryA no-argument callable which will return a new, unconnected protocol instance to use to do the encoding (this should most likely be a banana.Banana instance).
obj:Any type supported by Banana.The object to encode.
A bytes instance giving the encoded form of obj.
def selectDialect(protocol, dialect): (source)

Dictate a Banana dialect to use.

protocolA banana.Banana instance which has not yet had a dialect negotiated.
dialectA bytes instance naming a Banana dialect to select.
