module documentation

Tests for Perspective Broker module.

TODO: update protocol level tests to use new connection API, leaving only specific tests for old API.

Interface IForwarded Interface used for testing util.LocalAsyncForwarder.
Class BadCopyable Undocumented
Class BadCopySet Undocumented
Class BrokerTests Undocumented
Class CachedReturner Undocumented
Class ConnectionNotifyServerFactory A server factory which stores the last connection and fires a Deferred on connection made. This factory can handle only one client connection.
Class DeferredRemote No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 1/4 method documented
Class DisconnectionTests Test disconnection callbacks.
Class DumbPub Undocumented
Class DumbPublishable Undocumented
Class Dummy Undocumented
Class DummyPerspective An IPerspective avatar which will be used in some tests.
Class DummyRealm Undocumented
Class Echoer Undocumented
Class FilePagerizer Undocumented
Class Forwarded Test implementation of IForwarded.
Class GetPublisher Undocumented
Class IOPump Utility to pump data between clients and servers for protocol testing.
Class LeakyRealm A realm which hangs onto a reference to the mind object in its logout function.
Class LocalRemoteTest Undocumented
Class MyPerspective No summary
Class MyView Undocumented
Class NestedCache Undocumented
Class NestedComplicatedCache Undocumented
Class NestedCopy Undocumented
Class NestedRemote Undocumented
Class NewCredLeakTests Tests to try to trigger memory leaks.
Class NewCredTests Tests related to the twisted.cred support in PB.
Class NewStyleCacheCopy Undocumented
Class NewStyleCachedTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 3/3 methods documented
Class NewStyleCopy Undocumented
Class NewStyleCopy2 Undocumented
Class NewStyleTests No class docstring; 0/4 instance variable, 5/5 methods documented
Class NonSubclassingPerspective Undocumented
Class NSPTests Tests for authentication against a realm where the IPerspective implementation is not a subclass of Avatar.
Class Observable Undocumented
Class Observer Undocumented
Class Pagerizer Undocumented
Class PagingTests Test pb objects sending data by pages.
Class PBWithSecurityOptionsTests Test security customization.
Class RatherBaroqueCache Undocumented
Class SimpleCache Undocumented
Class SimpleCopy Undocumented
Class SimpleFactoryCopy No summary
Class SimpleLocalCache Undocumented
Class SimpleLocalCopy Undocumented
Class SimpleRemote Undocumented
Class SpreadUtilTests Tests for twisted.spread.util.
Class TestRealm A realm which repeatedly gives out a single instance of MyPerspective for non-anonymous logins and which gives out a new instance of Echoer for each anonymous login.
Class VeryVeryComplicatedCacheable Undocumented
Exception FreakOut Undocumented
Function connectedServerAndClient Connect a client and server Broker together with an IOPump
Function connectServerAndClient Create a server and a client and connect the two with an IOPump.
Function createFactoryCopy Factory of SimpleFactoryCopy, getting a created instance given the id found in state.
Function finishedCallback Undocumented
Variable bigString Undocumented
Variable callbackArgs Undocumented
Variable callbackKeyword Undocumented
Class _ReconnectingFakeConnector A fake IConnector that can fire Deferreds when its connect method is called.
Class _ReconnectingFakeConnectorState Manages connection notifications for a _ReconnectingFakeConnector instance.
def connectedServerAndClient(test, realm=None): (source)

Connect a client and server Broker together with an IOPump

realmrealm to use, defaulting to a DummyRealm
a 3-tuple (client, server, pump).
def connectServerAndClient(test, clientFactory, serverFactory): (source)

Create a server and a client and connect the two with an IOPump.

test:twisted.trial.unittest.TestCasethe test case where the client and server will be used.
clientFactory:twisted.spread.pb.PBClientFactoryThe factory that creates the client object.
serverFactory:twisted.spread.pb.PBServerFactoryThe factory that creates the server object.
(twisted.spread.pb.Broker, twisted.spread.pb.Broker, IOPump)a 3-tuple of (client, server, pump)
def createFactoryCopy(state): (source)

Factory of SimpleFactoryCopy, getting a created instance given the id found in state.

def finishedCallback(*args, **kw): (source)


bigString = (source)


callbackArgs = (source)


callbackKeyword = (source)
