module documentation

Tests for error handling in PB.

Class DummyInvoker A behaviorless object to be used as the invoker parameter to jelly.jelly.
Class FailureJellyingTests Tests for the interaction of jelly and failures.
Class PBConnTestCase Undocumented
Class PBFailureTests No class docstring; 14/17 methods documented
Class PBFailureUnsafeTests Undocumented
Class SaveProtocolServerFactory A pb.PBServerFactory that saves the latest connected client in protocolInstance.
Class SimpleRoot No class docstring; 5/11 methods documented
Exception AsynchronousError Helper used to test remote methods which return Deferreds which fail with exceptions which are pb.Error subclasses.
Exception AsynchronousException Helper used to test remote methods which return Deferreds which fail with exceptions which are not pb.Error subclasses.
Exception JellyError Undocumented
Exception SecurityError Undocumented
Exception SynchronousError Helper used to test remote methods which raise exceptions which are pb.Error subclasses.
Exception SynchronousException Helper used to test remote methods which raise exceptions which are not pb.Error subclasses.