class documentation

class MyPerspective(pb.Avatar): (source)

Implements interfaces: twisted.spread.pb.IPerspective

View In Hierarchy

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method logout Undocumented
Method perspective_add Add the given objects and return the result. This is a method unavailable on Echoer, so it can only be invoked by authenticated users who received their avatar from TestRealm.
Method perspective_getAvatarId Return the avatar identifier which was used to access this avatar.
Method perspective_getViewPoint Undocumented
Instance Variable avatarId Undocumented
Instance Variable loggedIn set to True when the avatar is logged in.
Instance Variable loggedOut set to True when the avatar is logged out.

Inherited from Avatar:

Method perspectiveMessageReceived This method is called when a network message is received.
def __init__(self, avatarId): (source)


def logout(self): (source)


def perspective_add(self, a, b): (source)

Add the given objects and return the result. This is a method unavailable on Echoer, so it can only be invoked by authenticated users who received their avatar from TestRealm.

def perspective_getAvatarId(self): (source)

Return the avatar identifier which was used to access this avatar.

def perspective_getViewPoint(self): (source)


avatarId = (source)


loggedIn: bool = (source)

set to True when the avatar is logged in.

loggedOut: bool = (source)

set to True when the avatar is logged out.