class documentation

class SimpleLocalCache(pb.RemoteCache): (source)

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Method check Undocumented
Method checkMethod Undocumented
Method checkSelf Undocumented
Method setCopyableState I will be invoked with the state to copy locally.

Inherited from RemoteCache:

Method __cmp__ Compare me [to another RemoteCache.
Method __del__ Do distributed reference counting on finalize.
Method __hash__ Hash me.
Method jellyFor serialize me (only for the broker I'm for) as the original cached reference
Method remoteMessageReceived A remote message has been received. Dispatch it appropriately.
Method unjellyFor Perform the inverse operation of Jellyable.jellyFor.
Instance Variable __dict__ Undocumented
Instance Variable broker Undocumented
Instance Variable luid Undocumented
Method _borgify Create a new object that shares its state (i.e. its __dict__) and type with this object, but does not share its identity.

Inherited from Unjellyable (via RemoteCache, RemoteCopy):

Method setStateFor Undocumented

Inherited from Serializable (via RemoteCache, RemoteCopy, Unjellyable):

Method processUniqueID Return an ID which uniquely represents this object for this process.

Inherited from Jellyable (via RemoteCache, RemoteCopy, Unjellyable, Serializable):

Method getStateFor Undocumented
def check(self): (source)


def checkMethod(self): (source)


def checkSelf(self): (source)


def setCopyableState(self, state): (source)

I will be invoked with the state to copy locally.

'state' is the data returned from the remote object's 'getStateToCopyFor' method, which will often be the remote object's dictionary (or a filtered approximation of it depending on my peer's perspective).