module documentation
Class BytesHeadersTests Tests for Headers, using bytes arguments for methods.
Class MixedHeadersTests Tests for Headers, mixing bytes and str arguments for methods where that is permitted.
Class UnicodeHeadersTests Tests for Headers, using str arguments for methods.
Function assertSanitized Assert that the components are sanitized to the expected value as both a header name and value, across all of Header's setters and getters.
def assertSanitized(testCase, components, expected): (source)

Assert that the components are sanitized to the expected value as both a header name and value, across all of Header's setters and getters.

testCaseA test case.
componentsA sequence of values that contain linear whitespace to use as header names and values; see textLinearWhitespaceComponents and bytesLinearWhitespaceComponents
expectedThe expected sanitized form of the component for both headers names and their values.