module documentation

Tests for XML-RPC support in twisted.web.xmlrpc.

Class AsyncXMLRPCTests Tests for XMLRPC's support of Deferreds.
Class QueryFactoryParseResponseTests Test the behaviour of QueryFactory.parseResponse.
Class SerializationConfigMixin Mixin which defines a couple tests which should pass when a particular flag is passed to XMLRPC.
Class Test No class docstring; 0/3 constant, 5/13 methods documented
Class TestAuthHeader This is used to get the header info so that we can test authentication.
Class TestListProcedures This is a resource which customizes procedure enumeration to be used by the tests of support for this customization.
Class TestLookupProcedure This is a resource which customizes procedure lookup to be used by the tests of support for this customization.
Class TestQueryFactory QueryFactory using TestQueryProtocol for saving headers.
Class TestQueryFactoryCancel QueryFactory that saves a reference to the twisted.internet.interfaces.IConnector to test connection lost.
Class TestQueryProtocol QueryProtocol for tests that saves headers received and sent, inside the factory.
Class XMLRPCAllowNoneTests Tests for passing None when the allowNone flag is set.
Class XMLRPCAuthenticatedTests Test with authenticated proxy. We run this with the same input/output as above.
Class XMLRPCClientErrorHandlingTests Test error handling on the xmlrpc client.
Class XMLRPCIntrospectionTests Undocumented
Class XMLRPCProxyWithoutSlashTests Test with proxy that doesn't add a slash.
Class XMLRPCPublicLookupProcedureTests Tests for XMLRPC's support of subclasses which override lookupProcedure and listProcedures.
Class XMLRPCTests No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 12/15 methods documented
Class XMLRPCUseDateTimeTests Tests for passing a datetime.datetime instance when the useDateTime flag is set.
Class XMLRPCWithRequestTests No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 1/2 method documented
Exception TestRuntimeError Undocumented
Exception TestValueError Undocumented