class documentation

Read only version of the headers from a WSGI environment. This provides the same interface as `Headers` and is constructed from a WSGI environment. From Werkzeug 0.3 onwards, the `KeyError` raised by this class is also a subclass of the :exc:`~exceptions.BadRequest` HTTP exception and will render a page for a ``400 BAD REQUEST`` if caught in a catch-all for HTTP exceptions.

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Yield ``(key, value)`` tuples.
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method copy Undocumented
Class Variable __hash__ Undocumented
Instance Variable environ Undocumented

Inherited from ImmutableHeadersMixin:

Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method add Undocumented
Method add_header Undocumented
Method extend Undocumented
Method insert Undocumented
Method pop Undocumented
Method popitem Undocumented
Method remove Undocumented
Method set Undocumented
Method setdefault Undocumented
Method setlist Undocumented
Method setlistdefault Undocumented
Method update Undocumented

Inherited from Headers (via ImmutableHeadersMixin):

Method __contains__ Check if a key is present.
Method __copy__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Returns formatted headers suitable for HTTP transmission.
Method clear Clears all headers.
Method get Return the default value if the requested data doesn't exist. If `type` is provided and is a callable it should convert the value, return it or raise a :exc:`ValueError` if that is not possible. In this case the function will return the default as if the value was not found:...
Method get_all Return a list of all the values for the named field.
Method getlist Return the list of items for a given key. If that key is not in the :class:`Headers`, the return value will be an empty list. Just like :meth:`get`, :meth:`getlist` accepts a `type` parameter. All items will be converted with the callable defined there.
Method items Undocumented
Method keys Undocumented
Method to_wsgi_list Convert the headers into a list suitable for WSGI.
Method values Undocumented
Method _validate_value Undocumented
Instance Variable _list Undocumented
def __eq__(self, other): (source)
def __getitem__(self, key, _get_mode=False): (source)
def __init__(self, environ): (source)
def __iter__(self): (source)

Yield ``(key, value)`` tuples.

def __len__(self): (source)
def copy(self): (source)

