class documentation

Works like a regular :class:`MultiDict` but preserves the order of the fields. To convert the ordered multi dict into a list you can use the :meth:`items` method and pass it ``multi=True``. In general an :class:`OrderedMultiDict` is an order of magnitude slower than a :class:`MultiDict`. .. admonition:: note Due to a limitation in Python you cannot convert an ordered multi dict into a regular dict by using ``dict(multidict)``. Instead you have to use the :meth:`to_dict` method, otherwise the internal bucket objects are exposed.

Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Return the first data value for this key; raises KeyError if not found.
Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __reduce_ex__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Like :meth:`add` but removes an existing key first.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method add Adds a new value for the key.
Method getlist Return the list of items for a given key. If that key is not in the `MultiDict`, the return value will be an empty list. Just like `get`, `getlist` accepts a `type` parameter. All items will be converted with the callable defined there.
Method items Return an iterator of ``(key, value)`` pairs.
Method keys Undocumented
Method lists Return a iterator of ``(key, values)`` pairs, where values is the list of all values associated with the key.
Method listvalues Return an iterator of all values associated with a key. Zipping :meth:`keys` and this is the same as calling :meth:`lists`:
Method pop Pop the first item for a list on the dict. Afterwards the key is removed from the dict, so additional values are discarded:
Method popitem Pop an item from the dict.
Method popitemlist Pop a ``(key, list)`` tuple from the dict.
Method poplist Pop the list for a key from the dict. If the key is not in the dict an empty list is returned.
Method setlist Remove the old values for a key and add new ones. Note that the list you pass the values in will be shallow-copied before it is inserted in the dictionary.
Method setlistdefault Like `setdefault` but sets multiple values. The list returned is not a copy, but the list that is actually used internally. This means that you can put new values into the dict by appending items to the list:...
Method update update() extends rather than replaces existing key lists:
Method values Returns an iterator of the first value on every key's value list.
Class Variable __hash__ Undocumented
Instance Variable _first_bucket Undocumented
Instance Variable _last_bucket Undocumented

Inherited from MultiDict:

Method __copy__ Undocumented
Method __deepcopy__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method copy Return a shallow copy of this object.
Method deepcopy Return a deep copy of this object.
Method setdefault Returns the value for the key if it is in the dict, otherwise it returns `default` and sets that value for `key`.
Method to_dict Return the contents as regular dict. If `flat` is `True` the returned dict will only have the first item present, if `flat` is `False` all values will be returned as lists.

Inherited from TypeConversionDict (via MultiDict):

Method get Return the default value if the requested data doesn't exist. If `type` is provided and is a callable it should convert the value, return it or raise a :exc:`ValueError` if that is not possible. In this case the function will return the default as if the value was not found:...
def __delitem__(self, key): (source)


def __eq__(self, other): (source)


def __getitem__(self, key): (source)

Return the first data value for this key; raises KeyError if not found. :param key: The key to be looked up. :raise KeyError: if the key does not exist.

def __getstate__(self): (source)
def __init__(self, mapping=None): (source)
def __iter__(self): (source)
def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): (source)


def __setitem__(self, key, value): (source)

Like :meth:`add` but removes an existing key first. :param key: the key for the value. :param value: the value to set.

def __setstate__(self, values): (source)
def add(self, key, value): (source)

Adds a new value for the key. .. versionadded:: 0.6 :param key: the key for the value. :param value: the value to add.

def getlist(self, key, type=None): (source)

Return the list of items for a given key. If that key is not in the `MultiDict`, the return value will be an empty list. Just like `get`, `getlist` accepts a `type` parameter. All items will be converted with the callable defined there. :param key: The key to be looked up. :param type: A callable that is used to cast the value in the :class:`MultiDict`. If a :exc:`ValueError` is raised by this callable the value will be removed from the list. :return: a :class:`list` of all the values for the key.

def items(self, multi=False): (source)

Return an iterator of ``(key, value)`` pairs. :param multi: If set to `True` the iterator returned will have a pair for each value of each key. Otherwise it will only contain pairs for the first value of each key.

def keys(self): (source)


def lists(self): (source)

Return a iterator of ``(key, values)`` pairs, where values is the list of all values associated with the key.

def listvalues(self): (source)

Return an iterator of all values associated with a key. Zipping :meth:`keys` and this is the same as calling :meth:`lists`: >>> d = MultiDict({"foo": [1, 2, 3]}) >>> zip(d.keys(), d.listvalues()) == d.lists() True

def pop(self, key, default=_missing): (source)

Pop the first item for a list on the dict. Afterwards the key is removed from the dict, so additional values are discarded: >>> d = MultiDict({"foo": [1, 2, 3]}) >>> d.pop("foo") 1 >>> "foo" in d False :param key: the key to pop. :param default: if provided the value to return if the key was not in the dictionary.

def popitem(self): (source)

Pop an item from the dict.

def popitemlist(self): (source)

Pop a ``(key, list)`` tuple from the dict.

def poplist(self, key): (source)

Pop the list for a key from the dict. If the key is not in the dict an empty list is returned. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 If the key does no longer exist a list is returned instead of raising an error.

def setlist(self, key, new_list): (source)

Remove the old values for a key and add new ones. Note that the list you pass the values in will be shallow-copied before it is inserted in the dictionary. >>> d = MultiDict() >>> d.setlist('foo', ['1', '2']) >>> d['foo'] '1' >>> d.getlist('foo') ['1', '2'] :param key: The key for which the values are set. :param new_list: An iterable with the new values for the key. Old values are removed first.

def setlistdefault(self, key, default_list=None): (source)

Like `setdefault` but sets multiple values. The list returned is not a copy, but the list that is actually used internally. This means that you can put new values into the dict by appending items to the list: >>> d = MultiDict({"foo": 1}) >>> d.setlistdefault("foo").extend([2, 3]) >>> d.getlist("foo") [1, 2, 3] :param key: The key to be looked up. :param default_list: An iterable of default values. It is either copied (in case it was a list) or converted into a list before returned. :return: a :class:`list`

def update(self, mapping): (source)

update() extends rather than replaces existing key lists: >>> a = MultiDict({'x': 1}) >>> b = MultiDict({'x': 2, 'y': 3}) >>> a.update(b) >>> a MultiDict([('y', 3), ('x', 1), ('x', 2)]) If the value list for a key in ``other_dict`` is empty, no new values will be added to the dict and the key will not be created: >>> x = {'empty_list': []} >>> y = MultiDict() >>> y.update(x) >>> y MultiDict([])

def values(self): (source)

Returns an iterator of the first value on every key's value list.

__hash__ = (source)


_first_bucket = (source)


_last_bucket = (source)
