module documentation


Class AnyConverter Matches one of the items provided. Items can either be Python identifiers or strings::
Class BaseConverter Base class for all converters.
Class FloatConverter This converter only accepts floating point values::
Class IntegerConverter This converter only accepts integer values::
Class NumberConverter Baseclass for `IntegerConverter` and `FloatConverter`.
Class PathConverter Like the default :class:`UnicodeConverter`, but it also matches slashes. This is useful for wikis and similar applications::
Class UnicodeConverter This converter is the default converter and accepts any string but only one path segment. Thus the string can not include a slash.
Class UUIDConverter This converter only accepts UUID strings::
Exception ValidationError Validation error. If a rule converter raises this exception the rule does not match the current URL and the next URL is tried.
Constant DEFAULT_CONVERTERS Undocumented


{'default': UnicodeConverter,
 'string': UnicodeConverter,
 'any': AnyConverter,
 'path': PathConverter,
 'int': IntegerConverter,
 'float': FloatConverter,
 'uuid': UUIDConverter}