package documentation

When it comes to combining multiple controller or view functions (however you want to call them) you need a dispatcher. A simple way would be applying regular expression tests on the ``PATH_INFO`` and calling registered callback functions that return the value then. This module implements a much more powerful system than simple regular expression matching because it can also convert values in the URLs and build URLs. Here a simple example that creates a URL map for an application with two subdomains (www and kb) and some URL rules: .. code-block:: python m = Map([ # Static URLs Rule('/', endpoint='static/index'), Rule('/about', endpoint='static/about'), Rule('/help', endpoint='static/help'), # Knowledge Base Subdomain('kb', [ Rule('/', endpoint='kb/index'), Rule('/browse/', endpoint='kb/browse'), Rule('/browse/<int:id>/', endpoint='kb/browse'), Rule('/browse/<int:id>/<int:page>', endpoint='kb/browse') ]) ], default_subdomain='www') If the application doesn't use subdomains it's perfectly fine to not set the default subdomain and not use the `Subdomain` rule factory. The endpoint in the rules can be anything, for example import paths or unique identifiers. The WSGI application can use those endpoints to get the handler for that URL. It doesn't have to be a string at all but it's recommended. Now it's possible to create a URL adapter for one of the subdomains and build URLs: .. code-block:: python c = m.bind('')"kb/browse", dict(id=42)) ''"kb/browse", dict()) ''"kb/browse", dict(id=42, page=3)) ''"static/about") '/about'"static/index", force_external=True) '' c = m.bind('', subdomain='kb')"static/about") '' The first argument to bind is the server name *without* the subdomain. Per default it will assume that the script is mounted on the root, but often that's not the case so you can provide the real mount point as second argument: .. code-block:: python c = m.bind('', '/applications/example') The third argument can be the subdomain, if not given the default subdomain is used. For more details about binding have a look at the documentation of the `MapAdapter`. And here is how you can match URLs: .. code-block:: python c = m.bind('') c.match("/") ('static/index', {}) c.match("/about") ('static/about', {}) c = m.bind('', '/', 'kb') c.match("/") ('kb/index', {}) c.match("/browse/42/23") ('kb/browse', {'id': 42, 'page': 23}) If matching fails you get a ``NotFound`` exception, if the rule thinks it's a good idea to redirect (for example because the URL was defined to have a slash at the end but the request was missing that slash) it will raise a ``RequestRedirect`` exception. Both are subclasses of ``HTTPException`` so you can use those errors as responses in the application. If matching succeeded but the URL rule was incompatible to the given method (for example there were only rules for ``GET`` and ``HEAD`` but routing tried to match a ``POST`` request) a ``MethodNotAllowed`` exception is raised.

Module converters No module docstring; 0/1 constant, 1/1 exception, 8/8 classes documented
Module exceptions No module docstring; 6/7 exceptions documented
Module map No module docstring; 2/2 classes documented
Module matcher No module docstring; 0/1 exception, 1/2 class documented
Module rules No module docstring; 0/3 variable, 0/5 constant, 2/4 functions, 8/9 classes documented