module documentation


Class Hyperlink A string like object that additionally has an associated name. We use this for hyperlinked URLs that may render as a named link in some contexts, or render as a plain URL in others.
Class HyperlinkedIdentityField A read-only field that represents the identity URL for an object, itself.
Class HyperlinkedRelatedField No class docstring; 0/5 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 2/6 methods documented
Class ManyRelatedField Relationships with `many=True` transparently get coerced into instead being a ManyRelatedField with a child relationship.
Class PKOnlyObject This is a mock object, used for when we only need the pk of the object instance, but still want to return an object with a .pk attribute, in order to keep the same interface as a regular model instance.
Class PrimaryKeyRelatedField Undocumented
Class RelatedField No class docstring; 0/2 property, 0/3 instance variable, 0/9 method, 1/1 class method documented
Class SlugRelatedField A read-write field that represents the target of the relationship by a unique 'slug' attribute.
Class StringRelatedField A read only field that represents its targets using their plain string representation.
Exception ObjectTypeError Raised when `queryset.get()` failed due to an underlying `TypeError`. Wrapping prevents calling code conflating this with unrelated errors.
Exception ObjectValueError Raised when `queryset.get()` failed due to an underlying `ValueError`. Wrapping prevents calling code conflating this with unrelated errors.
Function method_overridden Determine if a method has been overridden.
Constant MANY_RELATION_KWARGS Undocumented
def method_overridden(method_name, klass, instance): (source)

Determine if a method has been overridden.

MANY_RELATION_KWARGS: tuple[str, ...] = (source)

