module documentation


Function apply_suffix_patterns Undocumented
Function format_suffix_patterns Supplement existing urlpatterns with corresponding patterns that also include a '.format' suffix. Retains urlpattern ordering.
Function _get_format_path_converter Undocumented
def apply_suffix_patterns(urlpatterns, suffix_pattern, suffix_required, suffix_route=None): (source)


def format_suffix_patterns(urlpatterns, suffix_required=False, allowed=None): (source)

Supplement existing urlpatterns with corresponding patterns that also include a '.format' suffix. Retains urlpattern ordering. urlpatterns: A list of URL patterns. suffix_required: If `True`, only suffixed URLs will be generated, and non-suffixed URLs will not be used. Defaults to `False`. allowed: An optional tuple/list of allowed suffixes. eg ['json', 'api'] Defaults to `None`, which allows any suffix.

def _get_format_path_converter(suffix_kwarg, allowed): (source)
