module documentation

ViewSets are essentially just a type of class based view, that doesn't provide any method handlers, such as `get()`, `post()`, etc... but instead has actions, such as `list()`, `retrieve()`, `create()`, etc... Actions are only bound to methods at the point of instantiating the views. user_list = UserViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list'}) user_detail = UserViewSet.as_view({'get': 'retrieve'}) Typically, rather than instantiate views from viewsets directly, you'll register the viewset with a router and let the URL conf be determined automatically. router = DefaultRouter() router.register(r'users', UserViewSet, 'user') urlpatterns = router.urls

Class GenericViewSet The GenericViewSet class does not provide any actions by default, but does include the base set of generic view behavior, such as the `get_object` and `get_queryset` methods.
Class ModelViewSet A viewset that provides default `create()`, `retrieve()`, `update()`, `partial_update()`, `destroy()` and `list()` actions.
Class ReadOnlyModelViewSet A viewset that provides default `list()` and `retrieve()` actions.
Class ViewSet The base ViewSet class does not provide any actions by default.
Class ViewSetMixin This is the magic.
Function _check_attr_name Undocumented
Function _is_extra_action Undocumented
def _check_attr_name(func, name): (source)


def _is_extra_action(attr): (source)
