module documentation

This namespace contains helpers for property and template metadata endpoints. These endpoints enable you to tag arbitrary key/value data to Dropbox files. The most basic unit in this namespace is the :class:`PropertyField`. These fields encapsulate the actual key/value data. Fields are added to a Dropbox file using a :class:`PropertyGroup`. Property groups contain a reference to a Dropbox file and a :class:`PropertyGroupTemplate`. Property groups are uniquely identified by the combination of their associated Dropbox file and template. The :class:`PropertyGroupTemplate` is a way of restricting the possible key names and value types of the data within a property group. The possible key names and value types are explicitly enumerated using :class:`PropertyFieldTemplate` objects. You can think of a property group template as a class definition for a particular key/value metadata object, and the property groups themselves as the instantiations of these objects. Templates are owned either by a user/app pair or team/app pair. Templates and their associated properties can't be accessed by any app other than the app that created them, and even then, only when the app is linked with the owner of the template (either a user or team). User-owned templates are accessed via the user-auth file_properties/templates/*_for_user endpoints, while team-owned templates are accessed via the team-auth file_properties/templates/*_for_team endpoints. Properties associated with either type of template can be accessed via the user-auth properties/* endpoints. Finally, properties can be accessed from a number of endpoints that return metadata, including `files/get_metadata`, and `files/list_folder`. Properties can also be added during upload, using `files/upload`.

Class AddPropertiesArg :ivar file_properties.AddPropertiesArg.path: A unique identifier for the file or folder. :ivar file_properties.AddPropertiesArg.property_groups: The property groups which are to be added to a Dropbox file...
Class AddPropertiesError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class AddTemplateArg Undocumented
Class AddTemplateResult :ivar file_properties.AddTemplateResult.template_id: An identifier for template added by See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class GetTemplateArg :ivar file_properties.GetTemplateArg.template_id: An identifier for template added by route See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class GetTemplateResult Undocumented
Class InvalidPropertyGroupError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListTemplateResult :ivar file_properties.ListTemplateResult.template_ids: List of identifiers for templates added by See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class LogicalOperator Logical operator to join search queries together.
Class LookupError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LookUpPropertiesError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ModifyTemplateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class OverwritePropertyGroupArg :ivar file_properties.OverwritePropertyGroupArg.path: A unique identifier for the file or folder. :ivar file_properties.OverwritePropertyGroupArg.property_groups: The property groups "snapshot" updates to force apply...
Class PropertiesError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PropertiesSearchArg :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchArg.queries: Queries to search. :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchArg.template_filter: Filter results to contain only properties associated with these template IDs.
Class PropertiesSearchContinueArg :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchContinueArg.cursor: The cursor returned by your last call to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_properties_search` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class PropertiesSearchContinueError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PropertiesSearchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PropertiesSearchMatch :ivar The ID for the matched file or folder. :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchMatch.path: The path for the matched file or folder. :ivar file_properties...
Class PropertiesSearchMode This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PropertiesSearchQuery :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchQuery.query: The property field value for which to search across templates. :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchQuery.mode: The mode with which to perform the search...
Class PropertiesSearchResult :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchResult.matches: A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query. :ivar file_properties.PropertiesSearchResult.cursor: Pass the cursor into :meth:`dropbox.
Class PropertyField Raw key/value data to be associated with a Dropbox file. Property fields are added to Dropbox files as a :class:`PropertyGroup`.
Class PropertyFieldTemplate Defines how a single property field may be structured. Used exclusively by :class:`PropertyGroupTemplate`.
Class PropertyGroup A subset of the property fields described by the corresponding :class:`PropertyGroupTemplate`. Properties are always added to a Dropbox file as a :class:`PropertyGroup`. The possible key names and value types in this group are defined by the corresponding :class:`PropertyGroupTemplate`.
Class PropertyGroupTemplate Defines how a property group may be structured.
Class PropertyGroupUpdate :ivar file_properties.PropertyGroupUpdate.template_id: A unique identifier for a property template. :ivar file_properties.PropertyGroupUpdate.add_or_update_fields: Property fields to update. If the property field already exists, it is updated...
Class PropertyType Data type of the given property field added.
Class RemovePropertiesArg :ivar file_properties.RemovePropertiesArg.path: A unique identifier for the file or folder. :ivar file_properties.RemovePropertiesArg.property_template_ids: A list of identifiers for a template created by :meth:`dropbox...
Class RemovePropertiesError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RemoveTemplateArg :ivar file_properties.RemoveTemplateArg.template_id: An identifier for a template created by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class TemplateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class TemplateFilter This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class TemplateFilterBase This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class TemplateOwnerType This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UpdatePropertiesArg :ivar file_properties.UpdatePropertiesArg.path: A unique identifier for the file or folder. :ivar file_properties.UpdatePropertiesArg.update_property_groups: The property groups "delta" updates to apply.
Class UpdatePropertiesError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UpdateTemplateArg :ivar file_properties.UpdateTemplateArg.template_id: An identifier for template added by See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Class UpdateTemplateResult :ivar file_properties.UpdateTemplateResult.template_id: An identifier for template added by route See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.file_properties_templates_add_for_user` or :meth:`dropbox...
Constant ROUTES Undocumented
Variable AddPropertiesArg_validator Undocumented
Variable AddPropertiesError_validator Undocumented
Variable AddTemplateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable AddTemplateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemplateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemplateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable Id_validator Undocumented
Variable InvalidPropertyGroupError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListTemplateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable LogicalOperator_validator Undocumented
Variable LookupError_validator Undocumented
Variable LookUpPropertiesError_validator Undocumented
Variable ModifyTemplateError_validator Undocumented
Variable OverwritePropertyGroupArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PathOrId_validator Undocumented
Variable properties_add Undocumented
Variable properties_overwrite Undocumented
Variable properties_remove Undocumented
Variable properties_search Undocumented
Variable properties_search_continue Undocumented
Variable properties_update Undocumented
Variable PropertiesError_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchCursor_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchError_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchMatch_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchMode_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchQuery_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertiesSearchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyField_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyFieldTemplate_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyGroup_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyGroupTemplate_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyGroupUpdate_validator Undocumented
Variable PropertyType_validator Undocumented
Variable RemovePropertiesArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RemovePropertiesError_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveTemplateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable TemplateError_validator Undocumented
Variable TemplateFilter_validator Undocumented
Variable TemplateFilterBase_validator Undocumented
Variable TemplateId_validator Undocumented
Variable TemplateOwnerType_validator Undocumented
Variable templates_add_for_team Undocumented
Variable templates_add_for_user Undocumented
Variable templates_get_for_team Undocumented
Variable templates_get_for_user Undocumented
Variable templates_list_for_team Undocumented
Variable templates_list_for_user Undocumented
Variable templates_remove_for_team Undocumented
Variable templates_remove_for_user Undocumented
Variable templates_update_for_team Undocumented
Variable templates_update_for_user Undocumented
Variable UpdatePropertiesArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdatePropertiesError_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateTemplateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateTemplateResult_validator Undocumented


{'properties/add': properties_add,
 'properties/overwrite': properties_overwrite,
 'properties/remove': properties_remove,
 'properties/search': properties_search,
 'properties/search/continue': properties_search_continue,
 'properties/update': properties_update,
 'templates/add_for_team': templates_add_for_team,
AddPropertiesArg_validator = (source)


AddPropertiesError_validator = (source)


AddTemplateArg_validator = (source)


AddTemplateResult_validator = (source)


GetTemplateArg_validator = (source)


GetTemplateResult_validator = (source)


Id_validator = (source)


InvalidPropertyGroupError_validator = (source)


ListTemplateResult_validator = (source)


LogicalOperator_validator = (source)


LookupError_validator = (source)


LookUpPropertiesError_validator = (source)


ModifyTemplateError_validator = (source)


OverwritePropertyGroupArg_validator = (source)


PathOrId_validator = (source)


properties_add = (source)


properties_overwrite = (source)


properties_remove = (source)


properties_search = (source)


properties_search_continue = (source)


properties_update = (source)


PropertiesError_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchArg_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchContinueArg_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchContinueError_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchCursor_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchError_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchMatch_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchMode_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchQuery_validator = (source)


PropertiesSearchResult_validator = (source)


PropertyField_validator = (source)


PropertyFieldTemplate_validator = (source)


PropertyGroup_validator = (source)


PropertyGroupTemplate_validator = (source)


PropertyGroupUpdate_validator = (source)


PropertyType_validator = (source)


RemovePropertiesArg_validator = (source)


RemovePropertiesError_validator = (source)


RemoveTemplateArg_validator = (source)


TemplateError_validator = (source)


TemplateFilter_validator = (source)


TemplateFilterBase_validator = (source)


TemplateId_validator = (source)


TemplateOwnerType_validator = (source)


templates_add_for_team = (source)


templates_add_for_user = (source)


templates_get_for_team = (source)


templates_get_for_user = (source)


templates_list_for_team = (source)


templates_list_for_user = (source)


templates_remove_for_team = (source)


templates_remove_for_user = (source)


templates_update_for_team = (source)


templates_update_for_user = (source)


UpdatePropertiesArg_validator = (source)


UpdatePropertiesError_validator = (source)


UpdateTemplateArg_validator = (source)


UpdateTemplateResult_validator = (source)
