module documentation

This namespace contains endpoints and data types for creating and managing shared links and shared folders.

Class AccessInheritance Information about the inheritance policy of a shared folder.
Class AccessLevel Defines the access levels for collaborators.
Class AclUpdatePolicy Who can change a shared folder's access control list (ACL). In other words, who can add, remove, or change the privileges of members.
Class AddFileMemberArgs Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_add_file_member`.
Class AddFileMemberError Errors for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_add_file_member`.
Class AddFolderMemberArg :ivar sharing.AddFolderMemberArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.AddFolderMemberArg.members: The intended list of members to add. Added members will receive invites to join the shared folder...
Class AddFolderMemberError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class AddMember The member and type of access the member should have when added to a shared folder.
Class AddMemberSelectorError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class AlphaResolvedVisibility check documentation for ResolvedVisibility.
Class AudienceExceptionContentInfo Information about the content that has a link audience different than that of this folder.
Class AudienceExceptions The total count and truncated list of information of content inside this folder that has a different audience than the link on this folder. This is only returned for folders.
Class AudienceRestrictingSharedFolder Information about the shared folder that prevents the link audience for this link from being more restrictive.
Class CollectionLinkMetadata Metadata for a collection-based shared link.
Class CreateSharedLinkArg :ivar sharing.CreateSharedLinkArg.path: The path to share. :ivar sharing.CreateSharedLinkArg.pending_upload: If it's okay to share a path that does not yet exist, set this to either ``PendingUploadMode...
Class CreateSharedLinkError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg :ivar sharing.CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg.path: The path to be shared by the shared link. :ivar sharing.CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg.settings: The requested settings for the newly created shared link.
Class CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ExpectedSharedContentLinkMetadata The expected metadata of a shared link for a file or folder when a link is first created for the content. Absent if the link already exists.
Class FileAction Sharing actions that may be taken on files.
Class FileErrorResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FileLinkMetadata The metadata of a file shared link.
Class FileMemberActionError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FileMemberActionIndividualResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FileMemberActionResult Per-member result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_add_file_member`.
Class FileMemberRemoveActionResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FilePermission Whether the user is allowed to take the sharing action on the file.
Class FolderAction Actions that may be taken on shared folders.
Class FolderLinkMetadata The metadata of a folder shared link.
Class FolderPermission Whether the user is allowed to take the action on the shared folder.
Class FolderPolicy A set of policies governing membership and privileges for a shared folder.
Class GetFileMetadataArg Arguments of :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_get_file_metadata`.
Class GetFileMetadataBatchArg Arguments of :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_get_file_metadata_batch`.
Class GetFileMetadataBatchResult Per file results of :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_get_file_metadata_batch`.
Class GetFileMetadataError Error result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_get_file_metadata`.
Class GetFileMetadataIndividualResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetMetadataArgs :ivar sharing.GetMetadataArgs.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.GetMetadataArgs.actions: A list of `FolderAction`s corresponding to `FolderPermission`s that should appear in the response's ``SharedFolderMetadata...
Class GetSharedLinkFileError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetSharedLinkMetadataArg :ivar sharing.GetSharedLinkMetadataArg.url: URL of the shared link. :ivar sharing.GetSharedLinkMetadataArg.path: If the shared link is to a folder, this parameter can be used to retrieve the metadata for a specific file or sub-folder in this folder...
Class GetSharedLinksArg :ivar sharing.GetSharedLinksArg.path: See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_get_shared_links` description.
Class GetSharedLinksError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetSharedLinksResult :ivar sharing.GetSharedLinksResult.links: Shared links applicable to the path argument.
Class GroupInfo The information about a group. Groups is a way to manage a list of users who need same access permission to the shared folder.
Class GroupMembershipInfo The information about a group member of the shared content.
Class InsufficientPlan :ivar sharing.InsufficientPlan.message: A message to tell the user to upgrade in order to support expected action. :ivar sharing.InsufficientPlan.upsell_url: A URL to send the user to in order to obtain the account type they need, e...
Class InsufficientQuotaAmounts :ivar sharing.InsufficientQuotaAmounts.space_needed: The amount of space needed to add the item (the size of the item). :ivar sharing.InsufficientQuotaAmounts.space_shortage: The amount of extra space needed to add the item...
Class InviteeInfo Information about the recipient of a shared content invitation.
Class InviteeMembershipInfo Information about an invited member of a shared content.
Class JobError Error occurred while performing an asynchronous job from :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_unshare_folder` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_remove_folder_member`.
Class JobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LinkAccessLevel This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LinkAction Actions that can be performed on a link.
Class LinkAudience This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LinkAudienceDisallowedReason check documentation for VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason.
Class LinkAudienceOption :ivar sharing.LinkAudienceOption.audience: Specifies who can access the link. :ivar sharing.LinkAudienceOption.allowed: Whether the user calling this API can select this audience option. :ivar sharing...
Class LinkExpiry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LinkMetadata Metadata for a shared link. This can be either a :class:`PathLinkMetadata` or :class:`CollectionLinkMetadata`.
Class LinkPassword This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LinkPermission Permissions for actions that can be performed on a link.
Class LinkPermissions :ivar sharing.LinkPermissions.resolved_visibility: The current visibility of the link after considering the shared links policies of the the team (in case the link's owner is part of a team) and the shared folder (in case the linked file is part of a shared folder)...
Class LinkSettings Settings that apply to a link.
Class ListFileMembersArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members`.
Class ListFileMembersBatchArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members_batch`.
Class ListFileMembersBatchResult Per-file result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members_batch`.
Class ListFileMembersContinueArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members_continue`.
Class ListFileMembersContinueError Error for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members_continue`.
Class ListFileMembersCountResult :ivar sharing.ListFileMembersCountResult.members: A list of members on this file. :ivar sharing.ListFileMembersCountResult.member_count: The number of members on this file. This does not include inherited members.
Class ListFileMembersError Error for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members`.
Class ListFileMembersIndividualResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFilesArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_received_files`.
Class ListFilesContinueArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_received_files_continue`.
Class ListFilesContinueError Error results for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_received_files_continue`.
Class ListFilesResult Success results for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_received_files`.
Class ListFolderMembersArgs :ivar sharing.ListFolderMembersArgs.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder.
Class ListFolderMembersContinueArg :ivar sharing.ListFolderMembersContinueArg.cursor: The cursor returned by your last call to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_folder_members` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client...
Class ListFolderMembersContinueError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFolderMembersCursorArg :ivar sharing.ListFolderMembersCursorArg.actions: This is a list indicating whether each returned member will include a boolean value ``MemberPermission.allow`` that describes whether the current user can perform the MemberAction on the member...
Class ListFoldersArgs :ivar sharing.ListFoldersArgs.limit: The maximum number of results to return per request. :ivar sharing.ListFoldersArgs.actions: A list of `FolderAction`s corresponding to `FolderPermission`s that should appear in the response's ``SharedFolderMetadata...
Class ListFoldersContinueArg :ivar sharing.ListFoldersContinueArg.cursor: The cursor returned by the previous API call specified in the endpoint description.
Class ListFoldersContinueError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFoldersResult Result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_folders` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_mountable_folders`, depending on which endpoint was requested. Unmounted shared folders can be identified by the absence of ``SharedFolderMetadata...
Class ListSharedLinksArg :ivar sharing.ListSharedLinksArg.path: See :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_shared_links` description. :ivar sharing.ListSharedLinksArg.cursor: The cursor returned by your last call to :meth:`dropbox...
Class ListSharedLinksError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListSharedLinksResult :ivar sharing.ListSharedLinksResult.links: Shared links applicable to the path argument. :ivar sharing.ListSharedLinksResult.has_more: Is true if there are additional shared links that have not been returned yet...
Class MemberAccessLevelResult Contains information about a member's access level to content after an operation.
Class MemberAction Actions that may be taken on members of a shared folder.
Class MemberPermission Whether the user is allowed to take the action on the associated member.
Class MemberPolicy Policy governing who can be a member of a shared folder. Only applicable to folders owned by a user on a team.
Class MemberSelector Includes different ways to identify a member of a shared folder.
Class MembershipInfo The information about a member of the shared content.
Class ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs :ivar sharing.ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs.url: URL of the shared link to change its settings. :ivar sharing.ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs.settings: Set of settings for the shared link. :ivar sharing...
Class ModifySharedLinkSettingsError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class MountFolderArg :ivar sharing.MountFolderArg.shared_folder_id: The ID of the shared folder to mount.
Class MountFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ParentFolderAccessInfo Contains information about a parent folder that a member has access to.
Class PathLinkMetadata Metadata for a path-based shared link.
Class PendingUploadMode Flag to indicate pending upload default (for linking to not-yet-existing paths).
Class PermissionDeniedReason Possible reasons the user is denied a permission.
Class RelinquishFileMembershipArg :ivar sharing.RelinquishFileMembershipArg.file: The path or id for the file.
Class RelinquishFileMembershipError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelinquishFolderMembershipArg :ivar sharing.RelinquishFolderMembershipArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.RelinquishFolderMembershipArg.leave_a_copy: Keep a copy of the folder's contents upon relinquishing membership...
Class RelinquishFolderMembershipError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RemoveFileMemberArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_remove_file_member_2`.
Class RemoveFileMemberError Errors for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_remove_file_member_2`.
Class RemoveFolderMemberArg :ivar sharing.RemoveFolderMemberArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.RemoveFolderMemberArg.member: The member to remove from the folder. :ivar sharing.RemoveFolderMemberArg...
Class RemoveFolderMemberError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RemoveMemberJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RequestedLinkAccessLevel This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RequestedVisibility The access permission that can be requested by the caller for the shared link. Note that the final resolved visibility of the shared link takes into account other aspects, such as team and shared folder settings...
Class ResolvedVisibility The actual access permissions values of shared links after taking into account user preferences and the team and shared folder settings. Check the :class:`RequestedVisibility` for more info on the possible visibility values that can be set by the shared link's owner.
Class RevokeSharedLinkArg :ivar sharing.RevokeSharedLinkArg.url: URL of the shared link.
Class RevokeSharedLinkError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SetAccessInheritanceArg :ivar sharing.SetAccessInheritanceArg.access_inheritance: The access inheritance settings for the folder. :ivar sharing.SetAccessInheritanceArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder.
Class SetAccessInheritanceError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharedContentLinkMetadata Metadata of a shared link for a file or folder.
Class SharedContentLinkMetadataBase :ivar sharing.SharedContentLinkMetadataBase.access_level: The access level on the link for this file. :ivar sharing.SharedContentLinkMetadataBase.audience_options: The audience options that are available for the content...
Class SharedFileMembers Shared file user, group, and invitee membership. Used for the results of :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members` and :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_list_file_members_continue`, and used as part of the results for :meth:`dropbox...
Class SharedFileMetadata Properties of the shared file.
Class SharedFolderAccessError There is an error accessing the shared folder.
Class SharedFolderMemberError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharedFolderMembers Shared folder user and group membership.
Class SharedFolderMetadata The metadata which includes basic information about the shared folder.
Class SharedFolderMetadataBase Properties of the shared folder.
Class SharedLinkAccessFailureReason This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharedLinkError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharedLinkMetadata The metadata of a shared link.
Class SharedLinkPolicy Who can view shared links in this folder.
Class SharedLinkSettings :ivar sharing.SharedLinkSettings.require_password: Boolean flag to enable or disable password protection. :ivar sharing.SharedLinkSettings.link_password: If ``require_password`` is true, this is needed to specify the password to access the link...
Class SharedLinkSettingsError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ShareFolderArg :ivar sharing.ShareFolderArg.actions: A list of `FolderAction`s corresponding to `FolderPermission`s that should appear in the response's ``SharedFolderMetadata.permissions`` field describing the actions the authenticated user can perform on the folder...
Class ShareFolderArgBase :ivar sharing.ShareFolderArgBase.acl_update_policy: Who can add and remove members of this shared folder. :ivar sharing.ShareFolderArgBase.force_async: Whether to force the share to happen asynchronously...
Class ShareFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ShareFolderErrorBase This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ShareFolderJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ShareFolderLaunch This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharePathError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharingFileAccessError User could not access this file.
Class SharingUserError User account had a problem preventing this action.
Class TeamMemberInfo Information about a team member.
Class TransferFolderArg :ivar sharing.TransferFolderArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.TransferFolderArg.to_dropbox_id: A account or team member ID to transfer ownership to.
Class TransferFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UnmountFolderArg :ivar sharing.UnmountFolderArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder.
Class UnmountFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UnshareFileArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_unshare_file`.
Class UnshareFileError Error result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_unshare_file`.
Class UnshareFolderArg :ivar sharing.UnshareFolderArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.UnshareFolderArg.leave_a_copy: If true, members of this shared folder will get a copy of this folder after it's unshared...
Class UnshareFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UpdateFileMemberArgs Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_update_file_member`.
Class UpdateFolderMemberArg :ivar sharing.UpdateFolderMemberArg.shared_folder_id: The ID for the shared folder. :ivar sharing.UpdateFolderMemberArg.member: The member of the shared folder to update. Only the ``MemberSelector...
Class UpdateFolderMemberError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UpdateFolderPolicyArg If any of the policies are unset, then they retain their current setting.
Class UpdateFolderPolicyError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UserFileMembershipInfo The information about a user member of the shared content with an appended last seen timestamp.
Class UserInfo Basic information about a user. Use :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_users_account` and :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.sharing_users_account_batch` to obtain more detailed information.
Class UserMembershipInfo The information about a user member of the shared content.
Class ViewerInfoPolicy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class Visibility Who can access a shared link. The most open visibility is ``public``. The default depends on many aspects, such as team and user preferences and shared folder settings.
Class VisibilityPolicy :ivar sharing.VisibilityPolicy.policy: This is the value to submit when saving the visibility setting. :ivar sharing.VisibilityPolicy.resolved_policy: This is what the effective policy would be, if you selected this option...
Class VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Constant ROUTES Undocumented
Variable AccessInheritance_validator Undocumented
Variable AccessLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable AclUpdatePolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable add_file_member Undocumented
Variable add_folder_member Undocumented
Variable AddFileMemberArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable AddFileMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable AddFolderMemberArg_validator Undocumented
Variable AddFolderMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable AddMember_validator Undocumented
Variable AddMemberSelectorError_validator Undocumented
Variable AlphaResolvedVisibility_validator Undocumented
Variable AudienceExceptionContentInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable AudienceExceptions_validator Undocumented
Variable AudienceRestrictingSharedFolder_validator Undocumented
Variable check_job_status Undocumented
Variable check_remove_member_job_status Undocumented
Variable check_share_job_status Undocumented
Variable CollectionLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable create_shared_link Undocumented
Variable create_shared_link_with_settings Undocumented
Variable CreateSharedLinkArg_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateSharedLinkError_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError_validator Undocumented
Variable DropboxId_validator Undocumented
Variable ExpectedSharedContentLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FileAction_validator Undocumented
Variable FileErrorResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FileLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FileMemberActionError_validator Undocumented
Variable FileMemberActionIndividualResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FileMemberActionResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FileMemberRemoveActionResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FilePermission_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderAction_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderPermission_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable get_file_metadata Undocumented
Variable get_file_metadata_batch Undocumented
Variable get_folder_metadata Undocumented
Variable get_shared_link_file Undocumented
Variable get_shared_link_metadata Undocumented
Variable get_shared_links Undocumented
Variable GetFileMetadataArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetFileMetadataBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetFileMetadataBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetFileMetadataError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetFileMetadataIndividualResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetMetadataArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable GetSharedLinkFileError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetSharedLinkMetadataArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetSharedLinksArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetSharedLinksError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetSharedLinksResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GroupInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable GroupMembershipInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable InsufficientPlan_validator Undocumented
Variable InsufficientQuotaAmounts_validator Undocumented
Variable InviteeInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable InviteeMembershipInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable JobError_validator Undocumented
Variable JobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkAccessLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkAction_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkAudience_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkAudienceDisallowedReason_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkAudienceOption_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkExpiry_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkPassword_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkPermission_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkPermissions_validator Undocumented
Variable LinkSettings_validator Undocumented
Variable list_file_members Undocumented
Variable list_file_members_batch Undocumented
Variable list_file_members_continue Undocumented
Variable list_folder_members Undocumented
Variable list_folder_members_continue Undocumented
Variable list_folders Undocumented
Variable list_folders_continue Undocumented
Variable list_mountable_folders Undocumented
Variable list_mountable_folders_continue Undocumented
Variable list_received_files Undocumented
Variable list_received_files_continue Undocumented
Variable list_shared_links Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersCountResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFileMembersIndividualResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFilesArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFilesContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFilesContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFilesResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderMembersArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderMembersContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderMembersContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderMembersCursorArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFoldersArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFoldersContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFoldersContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFoldersResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListSharedLinksArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListSharedLinksError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListSharedLinksResult_validator Undocumented
Variable MemberAccessLevelResult_validator Undocumented
Variable MemberAction_validator Undocumented
Variable MemberPermission_validator Undocumented
Variable MemberPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable MemberSelector_validator Undocumented
Variable MembershipInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable modify_shared_link_settings Undocumented
Variable ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ModifySharedLinkSettingsError_validator Undocumented
Variable mount_folder Undocumented
Variable MountFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable MountFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable ParentFolderAccessInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable PathLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable PathOrId_validator Undocumented
Variable PendingUploadMode_validator Undocumented
Variable PermissionDeniedReason_validator Undocumented
Variable relinquish_file_membership Undocumented
Variable relinquish_folder_membership Undocumented
Variable RelinquishFileMembershipArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RelinquishFileMembershipError_validator Undocumented
Variable RelinquishFolderMembershipArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RelinquishFolderMembershipError_validator Undocumented
Variable remove_file_member Undocumented
Variable remove_file_member_2 Undocumented
Variable remove_folder_member Undocumented
Variable RemoveFileMemberArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveFileMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveFolderMemberArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveFolderMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveMemberJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable RequestedLinkAccessLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable RequestedVisibility_validator Undocumented
Variable ResolvedVisibility_validator Undocumented
Variable revoke_shared_link Undocumented
Variable RevokeSharedLinkArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RevokeSharedLinkError_validator Undocumented
Variable set_access_inheritance Undocumented
Variable SetAccessInheritanceArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SetAccessInheritanceError_validator Undocumented
Variable share_folder Undocumented
Variable SharedContentLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedContentLinkMetadataBase_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFileMembers_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFileMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFolderAccessError_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFolderMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFolderMembers_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFolderMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedFolderMetadataBase_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkAccessFailureReason_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkError_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkSettings_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkSettingsError_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderArgBase_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderErrorBase_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable ShareFolderLaunch_validator Undocumented
Variable SharePathError_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingFileAccessError_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingUserError_validator Undocumented
Variable TeamMemberInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable transfer_folder Undocumented
Variable TransferFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable TransferFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable unmount_folder Undocumented
Variable UnmountFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UnmountFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable unshare_file Undocumented
Variable unshare_folder Undocumented
Variable UnshareFileArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UnshareFileError_validator Undocumented
Variable UnshareFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UnshareFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable update_file_member Undocumented
Variable update_folder_member Undocumented
Variable update_folder_policy Undocumented
Variable UpdateFileMemberArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateFolderMemberArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateFolderMemberError_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateFolderPolicyArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UpdateFolderPolicyError_validator Undocumented
Variable UserFileMembershipInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable UserInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable UserMembershipInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable ViewerInfoPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable Visibility_validator Undocumented
Variable VisibilityPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason_validator Undocumented


{'add_file_member': add_file_member,
 'add_folder_member': add_folder_member,
 'check_job_status': check_job_status,
 'check_remove_member_job_status': check_remove_member_job_status,
 'check_share_job_status': check_share_job_status,
 'create_shared_link': create_shared_link,
 'create_shared_link_with_settings': create_shared_link_with_settings,
AccessInheritance_validator = (source)


AccessLevel_validator = (source)


AclUpdatePolicy_validator = (source)


add_file_member = (source)


add_folder_member = (source)


AddFileMemberArgs_validator = (source)


AddFileMemberError_validator = (source)


AddFolderMemberArg_validator = (source)


AddFolderMemberError_validator = (source)


AddMember_validator = (source)


AddMemberSelectorError_validator = (source)


AlphaResolvedVisibility_validator = (source)


AudienceExceptionContentInfo_validator = (source)


AudienceExceptions_validator = (source)


AudienceRestrictingSharedFolder_validator = (source)


check_job_status = (source)


check_remove_member_job_status = (source)


check_share_job_status = (source)


CollectionLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


create_shared_link = (source)


create_shared_link_with_settings = (source)


CreateSharedLinkArg_validator = (source)


CreateSharedLinkError_validator = (source)


CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsArg_validator = (source)


CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsError_validator = (source)


DropboxId_validator = (source)


ExpectedSharedContentLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


FileAction_validator = (source)


FileErrorResult_validator = (source)


FileLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


FileMemberActionError_validator = (source)


FileMemberActionIndividualResult_validator = (source)


FileMemberActionResult_validator = (source)


FileMemberRemoveActionResult_validator = (source)


FilePermission_validator = (source)


FolderAction_validator = (source)


FolderLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


FolderPermission_validator = (source)


FolderPolicy_validator = (source)


get_file_metadata = (source)


get_file_metadata_batch = (source)


get_folder_metadata = (source)


get_shared_link_file = (source)


get_shared_link_metadata = (source)


get_shared_links = (source)


GetFileMetadataArg_validator = (source)


GetFileMetadataBatchArg_validator = (source)


GetFileMetadataBatchResult_validator = (source)


GetFileMetadataError_validator = (source)


GetFileMetadataIndividualResult_validator = (source)


GetMetadataArgs_validator = (source)


GetSharedLinkFileError_validator = (source)


GetSharedLinkMetadataArg_validator = (source)


GetSharedLinksArg_validator = (source)


GetSharedLinksError_validator = (source)


GetSharedLinksResult_validator = (source)


GroupInfo_validator = (source)


GroupMembershipInfo_validator = (source)


InsufficientPlan_validator = (source)


InsufficientQuotaAmounts_validator = (source)


InviteeInfo_validator = (source)


InviteeMembershipInfo_validator = (source)


JobError_validator = (source)


JobStatus_validator = (source)


LinkAccessLevel_validator = (source)


LinkAction_validator = (source)


LinkAudience_validator = (source)


LinkAudienceDisallowedReason_validator = (source)


LinkAudienceOption_validator = (source)


LinkExpiry_validator = (source)


LinkMetadata_validator = (source)


LinkPassword_validator = (source)


LinkPermission_validator = (source)


LinkPermissions_validator = (source)


LinkSettings_validator = (source)


list_file_members = (source)


list_file_members_batch = (source)


list_file_members_continue = (source)


list_folder_members = (source)


list_folder_members_continue = (source)


list_folders = (source)


list_folders_continue = (source)


list_mountable_folders = (source)


list_mountable_folders_continue = (source)


list_received_files = (source)


list_received_files_continue = (source)


list_shared_links = (source)


ListFileMembersArg_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersBatchArg_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersBatchResult_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersContinueArg_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersContinueError_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersCountResult_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersError_validator = (source)


ListFileMembersIndividualResult_validator = (source)


ListFilesArg_validator = (source)


ListFilesContinueArg_validator = (source)


ListFilesContinueError_validator = (source)


ListFilesResult_validator = (source)


ListFolderMembersArgs_validator = (source)


ListFolderMembersContinueArg_validator = (source)


ListFolderMembersContinueError_validator = (source)


ListFolderMembersCursorArg_validator = (source)


ListFoldersArgs_validator = (source)


ListFoldersContinueArg_validator = (source)


ListFoldersContinueError_validator = (source)


ListFoldersResult_validator = (source)


ListSharedLinksArg_validator = (source)


ListSharedLinksError_validator = (source)


ListSharedLinksResult_validator = (source)


MemberAccessLevelResult_validator = (source)


MemberAction_validator = (source)


MemberPermission_validator = (source)


MemberPolicy_validator = (source)


MemberSelector_validator = (source)


MembershipInfo_validator = (source)


modify_shared_link_settings = (source)


ModifySharedLinkSettingsArgs_validator = (source)


ModifySharedLinkSettingsError_validator = (source)


mount_folder = (source)


MountFolderArg_validator = (source)


MountFolderError_validator = (source)


ParentFolderAccessInfo_validator = (source)


PathLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


PathOrId_validator = (source)


PendingUploadMode_validator = (source)


PermissionDeniedReason_validator = (source)


relinquish_file_membership = (source)


relinquish_folder_membership = (source)


RelinquishFileMembershipArg_validator = (source)


RelinquishFileMembershipError_validator = (source)


RelinquishFolderMembershipArg_validator = (source)


RelinquishFolderMembershipError_validator = (source)


remove_file_member = (source)


remove_file_member_2 = (source)


remove_folder_member = (source)


RemoveFileMemberArg_validator = (source)


RemoveFileMemberError_validator = (source)


RemoveFolderMemberArg_validator = (source)


RemoveFolderMemberError_validator = (source)


RemoveMemberJobStatus_validator = (source)


RequestedLinkAccessLevel_validator = (source)


RequestedVisibility_validator = (source)


ResolvedVisibility_validator = (source)


revoke_shared_link = (source)


RevokeSharedLinkArg_validator = (source)


RevokeSharedLinkError_validator = (source)


set_access_inheritance = (source)


SetAccessInheritanceArg_validator = (source)


SetAccessInheritanceError_validator = (source)


share_folder = (source)


SharedContentLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


SharedContentLinkMetadataBase_validator = (source)


SharedFileMembers_validator = (source)


SharedFileMetadata_validator = (source)


SharedFolderAccessError_validator = (source)


SharedFolderMemberError_validator = (source)


SharedFolderMembers_validator = (source)


SharedFolderMetadata_validator = (source)


SharedFolderMetadataBase_validator = (source)


SharedLinkAccessFailureReason_validator = (source)


SharedLinkAlreadyExistsMetadata_validator = (source)


SharedLinkError_validator = (source)


SharedLinkMetadata_validator = (source)


SharedLinkPolicy_validator = (source)


SharedLinkSettings_validator = (source)


SharedLinkSettingsError_validator = (source)


ShareFolderArg_validator = (source)


ShareFolderArgBase_validator = (source)


ShareFolderError_validator = (source)


ShareFolderErrorBase_validator = (source)


ShareFolderJobStatus_validator = (source)


ShareFolderLaunch_validator = (source)


SharePathError_validator = (source)


SharingFileAccessError_validator = (source)


SharingUserError_validator = (source)


TeamMemberInfo_validator = (source)


transfer_folder = (source)


TransferFolderArg_validator = (source)


TransferFolderError_validator = (source)


unmount_folder = (source)


UnmountFolderArg_validator = (source)


UnmountFolderError_validator = (source)


unshare_file = (source)


unshare_folder = (source)


UnshareFileArg_validator = (source)


UnshareFileError_validator = (source)


UnshareFolderArg_validator = (source)


UnshareFolderError_validator = (source)


update_file_member = (source)


update_folder_member = (source)


update_folder_policy = (source)


UpdateFileMemberArgs_validator = (source)


UpdateFolderMemberArg_validator = (source)


UpdateFolderMemberError_validator = (source)


UpdateFolderPolicyArg_validator = (source)


UpdateFolderPolicyError_validator = (source)


UserFileMembershipInfo_validator = (source)


UserInfo_validator = (source)


UserMembershipInfo_validator = (source)


ViewerInfoPolicy_validator = (source)


Visibility_validator = (source)


VisibilityPolicy_validator = (source)


VisibilityPolicyDisallowedReason_validator = (source)
