module documentation

This namespace contains endpoints and data types for basic file operations.

Class AddTagArg :ivar files.AddTagArg.path: Path to the item to be tagged. :ivar files.AddTagArg.tag_text: The value of the tag to add. Will be automatically converted to lowercase letters.
Class AddTagError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class AlphaGetMetadataArg :ivar files.AlphaGetMetadataArg.include_property_templates: If set to a valid list of template IDs, ``FileMetadata.property_groups`` is set for files with custom properties.
Class AlphaGetMetadataError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class BaseTagError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CommitInfo :ivar files.CommitInfo.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to save the file. :ivar files.CommitInfo.mode: Selects what to do if the file already exists. :ivar files.CommitInfo.autorename: If there's a conflict, as determined by ``mode``, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid conflict...
Class ContentSyncSetting :ivar Id of the item this setting is applied to. :ivar files.ContentSyncSetting.sync_setting: Setting for this item.
Class ContentSyncSettingArg :ivar Id of the item this setting is applied to. :ivar files.ContentSyncSettingArg.sync_setting: Setting for this item.
Class CreateFolderArg :ivar files.CreateFolderArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to create. :ivar files.CreateFolderArg.autorename: If there's a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the folder to avoid the conflict.
Class CreateFolderBatchArg :ivar files.CreateFolderBatchArg.paths: List of paths to be created in the user's Dropbox. Duplicate path arguments in the batch are considered only once. :ivar files.CreateFolderBatchArg.autorename: If there's a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the folder to avoid the conflict...
Class CreateFolderBatchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateFolderBatchJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateFolderBatchLaunch Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_create_folder_batch` that may either launch an asynchronous job or complete synchronously.
Class CreateFolderBatchResult :ivar files.CreateFolderBatchResult.entries: Each entry in ``CreateFolderBatchArg.paths`` will appear at the same position inside ``CreateFolderBatchResult.entries``.
Class CreateFolderBatchResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateFolderEntryError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateFolderEntryResult :ivar files.CreateFolderEntryResult.metadata: Metadata of the created folder.
Class CreateFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class CreateFolderResult :ivar files.CreateFolderResult.metadata: Metadata of the created folder.
Class DeleteArg :ivar files.DeleteArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to delete. :ivar files.DeleteArg.parent_rev: Perform delete if given "rev" matches the existing file's latest "rev". This field does not support deleting a folder.
Class DeleteBatchArg Undocumented
Class DeleteBatchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DeleteBatchJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DeleteBatchLaunch Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_delete_batch` that may either launch an asynchronous job or complete synchronously.
Class DeleteBatchResult :ivar files.DeleteBatchResult.entries: Each entry in ``DeleteBatchArg.entries`` will appear at the same position inside ``DeleteBatchResult.entries``.
Class DeleteBatchResultData :ivar files.DeleteBatchResultData.metadata: Metadata of the deleted object.
Class DeleteBatchResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DeletedMetadata Indicates that there used to be a file or folder at this path, but it no longer exists.
Class DeleteError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DeleteResult :ivar files.DeleteResult.metadata: Metadata of the deleted object.
Class Dimensions Dimensions for a photo or video.
Class DownloadArg :ivar files.DownloadArg.path: The path of the file to download. :ivar files.DownloadArg.rev: Please specify revision in ``path`` instead.
Class DownloadError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DownloadZipArg :ivar files.DownloadZipArg.path: The path of the folder to download.
Class DownloadZipError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DownloadZipResult Undocumented
Class ExportArg :ivar files.ExportArg.path: The path of the file to be exported. :ivar files.ExportArg.export_format: The file format to which the file should be exported. This must be one of the formats listed in the file's export_options returned by :meth:`dropbox...
Class ExportError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ExportInfo Export information for a file.
Class ExportMetadata :ivar The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains a slash. :ivar files.ExportMetadata.size: The file size in bytes. :ivar files.ExportMetadata...
Class ExportResult :ivar files.ExportResult.export_metadata: Metadata for the exported version of the file. :ivar files.ExportResult.file_metadata: Metadata for the original file.
Class FileCategory This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FileLock :ivar files.FileLock.content: The lock description.
Class FileLockContent This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FileLockMetadata :ivar files.FileLockMetadata.is_lockholder: True if caller holds the file lock. :ivar files.FileLockMetadata.lockholder_name: The display name of the lock holder. :ivar files.FileLockMetadata.lockholder_account_id: The account ID of the lock holder if known...
Class FileMetadata :ivar A unique identifier for the file. :ivar files.FileMetadata.client_modified: For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox...
Class FileOpsResult Undocumented
Class FileSharingInfo Sharing info for a file which is contained by a shared folder.
Class FileStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class FolderMetadata :ivar A unique identifier for the folder. :ivar files.FolderMetadata.shared_folder_id: Please use ``sharing_info`` instead. :ivar files.FolderMetadata.sharing_info: Set if the folder is contained in a shared folder or is a shared folder mount point...
Class FolderSharingInfo Sharing info for a folder which is contained in a shared folder or is a shared folder mount point.
Class GetCopyReferenceArg :ivar files.GetCopyReferenceArg.path: The path to the file or folder you want to get a copy reference to.
Class GetCopyReferenceError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetCopyReferenceResult :ivar files.GetCopyReferenceResult.metadata: Metadata of the file or folder. :ivar files.GetCopyReferenceResult.copy_reference: A copy reference to the file or folder. :ivar files.GetCopyReferenceResult...
Class GetMetadataArg :ivar files.GetMetadataArg.path: The path of a file or folder on Dropbox. :ivar files.GetMetadataArg.include_media_info: If true, ``FileMetadata.media_info`` is set for photo and video. :ivar files...
Class GetMetadataError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetTagsArg :ivar files.GetTagsArg.paths: Path to the items.
Class GetTagsResult :ivar files.GetTagsResult.paths_to_tags: List of paths and their corresponding tags.
Class GetTemporaryLinkArg :ivar files.GetTemporaryLinkArg.path: The path to the file you want a temporary link to.
Class GetTemporaryLinkError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetTemporaryLinkResult :ivar files.GetTemporaryLinkResult.metadata: Metadata of the file. :ivar The temporary link which can be used to stream content the file.
Class GetTemporaryUploadLinkArg :ivar files.GetTemporaryUploadLinkArg.commit_info: Contains the path and other optional modifiers for the future upload commit. Equivalent to the parameters provided to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client...
Class GetTemporaryUploadLinkResult :ivar The temporary link which can be used to stream a file to a Dropbox location.
Class GetThumbnailBatchArg Arguments for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_get_thumbnail_batch`.
Class GetThumbnailBatchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GetThumbnailBatchResult :ivar files.GetThumbnailBatchResult.entries: List of files and their thumbnails.
Class GetThumbnailBatchResultData :ivar files.GetThumbnailBatchResultData.thumbnail: A string containing the base64-encoded thumbnail data for this file.
Class GetThumbnailBatchResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class GpsCoordinates GPS coordinates for a photo or video.
Class HighlightSpan :ivar files.HighlightSpan.highlight_str: String to be determined whether it should be highlighted or not. :ivar files.HighlightSpan.is_highlighted: The string should be highlighted or not.
Class ImportFormat The import format of the incoming Paper doc content.
Class ListFolderArg :ivar files.ListFolderArg.path: A unique identifier for the file. :ivar files.ListFolderArg.recursive: If true, the list folder operation will be applied recursively to all subfolders and the response will contain contents of all subfolders...
Class ListFolderContinueArg :ivar files.ListFolderContinueArg.cursor: The cursor returned by your last call to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder_continue`.
Class ListFolderContinueError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFolderError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFolderGetLatestCursorResult :ivar files.ListFolderGetLatestCursorResult.cursor: Pass the cursor into :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder_continue` to see what's changed in the folder since your previous query.
Class ListFolderLongpollArg :ivar files.ListFolderLongpollArg.cursor: A cursor as returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder_continue`. ...
Class ListFolderLongpollError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListFolderLongpollResult :ivar files.ListFolderLongpollResult.changes: Indicates whether new changes are available. If true, call :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder_continue` to retrieve the changes...
Class ListFolderResult :ivar files.ListFolderResult.entries: The files and (direct) subfolders in the folder. :ivar files.ListFolderResult.cursor: Pass the cursor into :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_list_folder_continue` to see what's changed in the folder since your previous query...
Class ListRevisionsArg :ivar files.ListRevisionsArg.path: The path to the file you want to see the revisions of. :ivar files.ListRevisionsArg.mode: Determines the behavior of the API in listing the revisions for a given file path or id...
Class ListRevisionsError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListRevisionsMode This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListRevisionsResult :ivar files.ListRevisionsResult.is_deleted: If the file identified by the latest revision in the response is either deleted or moved. :ivar files.ListRevisionsResult.server_deleted: The time of deletion if the file was deleted...
Class LockConflictError :ivar files.LockConflictError.lock: The lock that caused the conflict.
Class LockFileArg :ivar files.LockFileArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to a file.
Class LockFileBatchArg :ivar files.LockFileBatchArg.entries: List of 'entries'. Each 'entry' contains a path of the file which will be locked or queried. Duplicate path arguments in the batch are considered only once.
Class LockFileBatchResult :ivar files.LockFileBatchResult.entries: Each Entry in the 'entries' will have '.tag' with the operation status (e.g. success), the metadata for the file and the lock state after the operation.
Class LockFileError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LockFileResult :ivar files.LockFileResult.metadata: Metadata of the file. :ivar files.LockFileResult.lock: The file lock state after the operation.
Class LockFileResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class LookupError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class MediaInfo This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class MediaMetadata Metadata for a photo or video.
Class Metadata Metadata for a file or folder.
Class MetadataV2 Metadata for a file, folder or other resource types.
Class MinimalFileLinkMetadata :ivar files.MinimalFileLinkMetadata.url: URL of the shared link. :ivar Unique identifier for the linked file. :ivar files.MinimalFileLinkMetadata.path: Full path in the user's Dropbox...
Class MoveBatchArg :ivar files.MoveBatchArg.allow_ownership_transfer: Allow moves by owner even if it would result in an ownership transfer for the content being moved. This does not apply to copies.
Class MoveIntoFamilyError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class MoveIntoVaultError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperContentError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperCreateArg :ivar files.PaperCreateArg.path: The fully qualified path to the location in the user's Dropbox where the Paper Doc should be created. This should include the document's title and end with .paper...
Class PaperCreateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperCreateResult :ivar files.PaperCreateResult.url: URL to open the Paper Doc. :ivar files.PaperCreateResult.result_path: The fully qualified path the Paper Doc was actually created at. :ivar files.PaperCreateResult...
Class PaperDocUpdatePolicy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperUpdateArg :ivar files.PaperUpdateArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to update. The path must correspond to a Paper doc or an error will be returned. :ivar files.PaperUpdateArg.import_format: The format of the provided data...
Class PaperUpdateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperUpdateResult :ivar files.PaperUpdateResult.paper_revision: The current doc revision.
Class PathOrLink This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PathToTags :ivar files.PathToTags.path: Path of the item. :ivar files.PathToTags.tags: Tags assigned to this item.
Class PhotoMetadata Metadata for a photo.
Class PreviewArg :ivar files.PreviewArg.path: The path of the file to preview. :ivar files.PreviewArg.rev: Please specify revision in ``path`` instead.
Class PreviewError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PreviewResult :ivar files.PreviewResult.file_metadata: Metadata corresponding to the file received as an argument. Will be populated if the endpoint is called with a path (ReadPath). :ivar files.PreviewResult...
Class RelocationArg :ivar files.RelocationArg.allow_shared_folder: This flag has no effect. :ivar files.RelocationArg.autorename: If there's a conflict, have the Dropbox server try to autorename the file to avoid the conflict...
Class RelocationBatchArg :ivar files.RelocationBatchArg.allow_shared_folder: This flag has no effect. :ivar files.RelocationBatchArg.allow_ownership_transfer: Allow moves by owner even if it would result in an ownership transfer for the content being moved...
Class RelocationBatchArgBase :ivar files.RelocationBatchArgBase.entries: List of entries to be moved or copied. Each entry is :class:`RelocationPath`. :ivar files.RelocationBatchArgBase.autorename: If there's a conflict with any file, have the Dropbox server try to autorename that file to avoid the conflict.
Class RelocationBatchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelocationBatchErrorEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelocationBatchJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelocationBatchLaunch Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_copy_batch` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_move_batch` that may either launch an asynchronous job or complete synchronously.
Class RelocationBatchResult Undocumented
Class RelocationBatchResultData :ivar files.RelocationBatchResultData.metadata: Metadata of the relocated object.
Class RelocationBatchResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelocationBatchV2JobStatus Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_copy_batch_check` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_move_batch_check` that may either be in progress or completed with result for each entry.
Class RelocationBatchV2Launch Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_copy_batch` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_move_batch` that may either launch an asynchronous job or complete synchronously.
Class RelocationBatchV2Result :ivar files.RelocationBatchV2Result.entries: Each entry in CopyBatchArg.entries or ``MoveBatchArg.entries`` will appear at the same position inside ``RelocationBatchV2Result.entries``.
Class RelocationError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RelocationPath :ivar files.RelocationPath.from_path: Path in the user's Dropbox to be copied or moved. :ivar files.RelocationPath.to_path: Path in the user's Dropbox that is the destination.
Class RelocationResult :ivar files.RelocationResult.metadata: Metadata of the relocated object.
Class RemoveTagArg :ivar files.RemoveTagArg.path: Path to the item to tag. :ivar files.RemoveTagArg.tag_text: The tag to remove. Will be automatically converted to lowercase letters.
Class RemoveTagError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class RestoreArg :ivar files.RestoreArg.path: The path to save the restored file. :ivar files.RestoreArg.rev: The revision to restore.
Class RestoreError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SaveCopyReferenceArg :ivar files.SaveCopyReferenceArg.copy_reference: A copy reference returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_copy_reference_get`. :ivar files.SaveCopyReferenceArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox that is the destination.
Class SaveCopyReferenceError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SaveCopyReferenceResult :ivar files.SaveCopyReferenceResult.metadata: The metadata of the saved file or folder in the user's Dropbox.
Class SaveUrlArg :ivar files.SaveUrlArg.path: The path in Dropbox where the URL will be saved to. :ivar files.SaveUrlArg.url: The URL to be saved.
Class SaveUrlError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SaveUrlJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SaveUrlResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SearchArg :ivar files.SearchArg.path: The path in the user's Dropbox to search. Should probably be a folder. :ivar files.SearchArg.query: The string to search for. Query string may be rewritten to improve relevance of results...
Class SearchError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SearchMatch :ivar files.SearchMatch.match_type: The type of the match. :ivar files.SearchMatch.metadata: The metadata for the matched file or folder.
Class SearchMatchFieldOptions :ivar files.SearchMatchFieldOptions.include_highlights: Whether to include highlight span from file title.
Class SearchMatchType Indicates what type of match was found for a given item.
Class SearchMatchTypeV2 Indicates what type of match was found for a given item.
Class SearchMatchV2 :ivar files.SearchMatchV2.metadata: The metadata for the matched file or folder. :ivar files.SearchMatchV2.match_type: The type of the match. :ivar files.SearchMatchV2.highlight_spans: The list of HighlightSpan determines which parts of the file title should be highlighted.
Class SearchMode This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SearchOptions :ivar files.SearchOptions.path: Scopes the search to a path in the user's Dropbox. Searches the entire Dropbox if not specified. :ivar files.SearchOptions.max_results: The maximum number of search results to return...
Class SearchOrderBy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SearchResult :ivar files.SearchResult.matches: A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query. :ivar files.SearchResult.more: Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results available that can be fetched by calling :meth:`dropbox...
Class SearchV2Arg :ivar files.SearchV2Arg.query: The string to search for. May match across multiple fields based on the request arguments. :ivar files.SearchV2Arg.options: Options for more targeted search results. ...
Class SearchV2ContinueArg :ivar files.SearchV2ContinueArg.cursor: The cursor returned by your last call to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_search`. Used to fetch the next page of results.
Class SearchV2Result :ivar files.SearchV2Result.matches: A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query. :ivar files.SearchV2Result.has_more: Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results available that can be fetched by calling :meth:`dropbox...
Class SharedLink :ivar files.SharedLink.url: Shared link url. :ivar files.SharedLink.password: Password for the shared link.
Class SharedLinkFileInfo :ivar files.SharedLinkFileInfo.url: The shared link corresponding to either a file or shared link to a folder. If it is for a folder shared link, we use the path param to determine for which file in the folder the view is for...
Class SharingInfo Sharing info for a file or folder.
Class SingleUserLock :ivar files.SingleUserLock.created: The time the lock was created. :ivar files.SingleUserLock.lock_holder_account_id: The account ID of the lock holder if known. :ivar files.SingleUserLock.lock_holder_team_id: The id of the team of the account holder if it exists.
Class SymlinkInfo :ivar The target this symlink points to.
Class SyncSetting This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SyncSettingArg This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SyncSettingsError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class Tag Tag that can be added in multiple ways.
Class ThumbnailArg :ivar files.ThumbnailArg.path: The path to the image file you want to thumbnail. :ivar files.ThumbnailArg.format: The format for the thumbnail image, jpeg (default) or png. For images that are photos, jpeg should be preferred, while png is better for screenshots and digital arts...
Class ThumbnailError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ThumbnailFormat This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ThumbnailMode This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ThumbnailSize This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ThumbnailV2Arg :ivar files.ThumbnailV2Arg.resource: Information specifying which file to preview. This could be a path to a file, a shared link pointing to a file, or a shared link pointing to a folder, with a relative path...
Class ThumbnailV2Error This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UnlockFileArg :ivar files.UnlockFileArg.path: Path in the user's Dropbox to a file.
Class UnlockFileBatchArg :ivar files.UnlockFileBatchArg.entries: List of 'entries'. Each 'entry' contains a path of the file which will be unlocked. Duplicate path arguments in the batch are considered only once.
Class UploadArg :ivar files.UploadArg.content_hash: A hash of the file content uploaded in this call. If provided and the uploaded content does not match this hash, an error will be returned. For more information see our `Content hash <https://www...
Class UploadError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionAppendArg :ivar files.UploadSessionAppendArg.cursor: Contains the upload session ID and the offset. :ivar files.UploadSessionAppendArg.close: If true, the current session will be closed, at which point you won't be able to call :meth:`dropbox...
Class UploadSessionAppendError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionCursor :ivar files.UploadSessionCursor.session_id: The upload session ID (returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_upload_session_start`). :ivar files.UploadSessionCursor.offset: Offset in bytes at which data should be appended...
Class UploadSessionFinishArg :ivar files.UploadSessionFinishArg.cursor: Contains the upload session ID and the offset. :ivar files.UploadSessionFinishArg.commit: Contains the path and other optional modifiers for the commit...
Class UploadSessionFinishBatchArg :ivar files.UploadSessionFinishBatchArg.entries: Commit information for each file in the batch.
Class UploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionFinishBatchLaunch Result returned by :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_upload_session_finish_batch` that may either launch an asynchronous job or complete synchronously.
Class UploadSessionFinishBatchResult :ivar files.UploadSessionFinishBatchResult.entries: Each entry in ``UploadSessionFinishBatchArg.entries`` will appear at the same position inside ``UploadSessionFinishBatchResult.entries``.
Class UploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionFinishError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionLookupError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionOffsetError :ivar files.UploadSessionOffsetError.correct_offset: The offset up to which data has been collected.
Class UploadSessionStartArg :ivar files.UploadSessionStartArg.close: If true, the current session will be closed, at which point you won't be able to call :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_upload_session_append` anymore with the current session...
Class UploadSessionStartBatchArg :ivar files.UploadSessionStartBatchArg.session_type: Type of upload session you want to start. If not specified, default is ``UploadSessionType.sequential``. :ivar files.UploadSessionStartBatchArg...
Class UploadSessionStartBatchResult :ivar files.UploadSessionStartBatchResult.session_ids: A List of unique identifiers for the upload session. Pass each session_id to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_upload_session_append` and :meth:`dropbox...
Class UploadSessionStartError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadSessionStartResult :ivar files.UploadSessionStartResult.session_id: A unique identifier for the upload session. Pass this to :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.files_upload_session_append` and :meth:`dropbox...
Class UploadSessionType This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class UploadWriteFailed :ivar files.UploadWriteFailed.reason: The reason why the file couldn't be saved. :ivar files.UploadWriteFailed.upload_session_id: The upload session ID; data has already been uploaded to the corresponding upload session and this ID may be used to retry the commit with :meth:`dropbox...
Class UserGeneratedTag Undocumented
Class VideoMetadata Metadata for a video.
Class WriteConflictError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class WriteError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class WriteMode Your intent when writing a file to some path. This is used to determine what constitutes a conflict and what the autorename strategy is. In some situations, the conflict behavior is identical: (a) If the target path doesn't refer to anything, the file is always written; no conflict...
Constant ROUTES Undocumented
Variable AddTagArg_validator Undocumented
Variable AddTagError_validator Undocumented
Variable alpha_get_metadata Undocumented
Variable alpha_upload Undocumented
Variable AlphaGetMetadataArg_validator Undocumented
Variable AlphaGetMetadataError_validator Undocumented
Variable BaseTagError_validator Undocumented
Variable CommitInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable ContentSyncSetting_validator Undocumented
Variable ContentSyncSettingArg_validator Undocumented
Variable copy Undocumented
Variable copy_batch Undocumented
Variable copy_batch_check Undocumented
Variable copy_batch_check_v2 Undocumented
Variable copy_batch_v2 Undocumented
Variable copy_reference_get Undocumented
Variable copy_reference_save Undocumented
Variable copy_v2 Undocumented
Variable create_folder Undocumented
Variable create_folder_batch Undocumented
Variable create_folder_batch_check Undocumented
Variable create_folder_v2 Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchError_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchLaunch_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderBatchResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderEntryError_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderEntryResult_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable CreateFolderResult_validator Undocumented
Variable delete Undocumented
Variable delete_batch Undocumented
Variable delete_batch_check Undocumented
Variable delete_v2 Undocumented
Variable DeleteArg_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchError_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchLaunch_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchResultData_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteBatchResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable DeletedMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteError_validator Undocumented
Variable DeleteResult_validator Undocumented
Variable Dimensions_validator Undocumented
Variable download Undocumented
Variable download_zip Undocumented
Variable DownloadArg_validator Undocumented
Variable DownloadError_validator Undocumented
Variable DownloadZipArg_validator Undocumented
Variable DownloadZipError_validator Undocumented
Variable DownloadZipResult_validator Undocumented
Variable export Undocumented
Variable ExportArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ExportError_validator Undocumented
Variable ExportInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable ExportMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable ExportResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FileCategory_validator Undocumented
Variable FileId_validator Undocumented
Variable FileLock_validator Undocumented
Variable FileLockContent_validator Undocumented
Variable FileLockMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FileMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FileOpsResult_validator Undocumented
Variable FileSharingInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable FileStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderSharingInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable get_file_lock_batch Undocumented
Variable get_metadata Undocumented
Variable get_preview Undocumented
Variable get_temporary_link Undocumented
Variable get_temporary_upload_link Undocumented
Variable get_thumbnail Undocumented
Variable get_thumbnail_batch Undocumented
Variable get_thumbnail_v2 Undocumented
Variable GetCopyReferenceArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetCopyReferenceError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetCopyReferenceResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetMetadataArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetMetadataError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTagsArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTagsResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemporaryLinkArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemporaryLinkError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemporaryLinkResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemporaryUploadLinkArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetTemporaryUploadLinkResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetThumbnailBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable GetThumbnailBatchError_validator Undocumented
Variable GetThumbnailBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable GetThumbnailBatchResultData_validator Undocumented
Variable GetThumbnailBatchResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable GpsCoordinates_validator Undocumented
Variable HighlightSpan_validator Undocumented
Variable Id_validator Undocumented
Variable ImportFormat_validator Undocumented
Variable list_folder Undocumented
Variable list_folder_continue Undocumented
Variable list_folder_get_latest_cursor Undocumented
Variable list_folder_longpoll Undocumented
Variable list_revisions Undocumented
Variable ListFolderArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderContinueError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderCursor_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderGetLatestCursorResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderLongpollArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderLongpollError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderLongpollResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListFolderResult_validator Undocumented
Variable ListRevisionsArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ListRevisionsError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListRevisionsMode_validator Undocumented
Variable ListRevisionsResult_validator Undocumented
Variable lock_file_batch Undocumented
Variable LockConflictError_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileArg_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileError_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileResult_validator Undocumented
Variable LockFileResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable LookupError_validator Undocumented
Variable MalformedPathError_validator Undocumented
Variable MediaInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable MediaMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable Metadata_validator Undocumented
Variable MetadataV2_validator Undocumented
Variable MinimalFileLinkMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable move Undocumented
Variable move_batch Undocumented
Variable move_batch_check Undocumented
Variable move_batch_check_v2 Undocumented
Variable move_batch_v2 Undocumented
Variable move_v2 Undocumented
Variable MoveBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable MoveIntoFamilyError_validator Undocumented
Variable MoveIntoVaultError_validator Undocumented
Variable paper_create Undocumented
Variable paper_update Undocumented
Variable PaperContentError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperCreateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperCreateError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperCreateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocUpdatePolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperUpdateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperUpdateError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperUpdateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable Path_validator Undocumented
Variable PathOrId_validator Undocumented
Variable PathOrLink_validator Undocumented
Variable PathR_validator Undocumented
Variable PathROrId_validator Undocumented
Variable PathToTags_validator Undocumented
Variable permanently_delete Undocumented
Variable PhotoMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable PreviewArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PreviewError_validator Undocumented
Variable PreviewResult_validator Undocumented
Variable properties_add Undocumented
Variable properties_overwrite Undocumented
Variable properties_remove Undocumented
Variable properties_template_get Undocumented
Variable properties_template_list Undocumented
Variable properties_update Undocumented
Variable ReadPath_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchArgBase_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchError_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchErrorEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchLaunch_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchResultData_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchV2JobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchV2Launch_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationBatchV2Result_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationError_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationPath_validator Undocumented
Variable RelocationResult_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveTagArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RemoveTagError_validator Undocumented
Variable restore Undocumented
Variable RestoreArg_validator Undocumented
Variable RestoreError_validator Undocumented
Variable Rev_validator Undocumented
Variable save_url Undocumented
Variable save_url_check_job_status Undocumented
Variable SaveCopyReferenceArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveCopyReferenceError_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveCopyReferenceResult_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveUrlArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveUrlError_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveUrlJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable SaveUrlResult_validator Undocumented
Variable search Undocumented
Variable search_continue_v2 Undocumented
Variable search_v2 Undocumented
Variable SearchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchError_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMatch_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMatchFieldOptions_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMatchType_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMatchTypeV2_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMatchV2_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchMode_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchOptions_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchOrderBy_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchV2Arg_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchV2ContinueArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchV2Cursor_validator Undocumented
Variable SearchV2Result_validator Undocumented
Variable Sha256HexHash_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLink_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkFileInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable SharedLinkUrl_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable SingleUserLock_validator Undocumented
Variable SymlinkInfo_validator Undocumented
Variable SyncSetting_validator Undocumented
Variable SyncSettingArg_validator Undocumented
Variable SyncSettingsError_validator Undocumented
Variable Tag_validator Undocumented
Variable tags_add Undocumented
Variable tags_get Undocumented
Variable tags_remove Undocumented
Variable TagText_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailArg_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailError_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailFormat_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailMode_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailSize_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailV2Arg_validator Undocumented
Variable ThumbnailV2Error_validator Undocumented
Variable unlock_file_batch Undocumented
Variable UnlockFileArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UnlockFileBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable upload Undocumented
Variable upload_session_append Undocumented
Variable upload_session_append_v2 Undocumented
Variable upload_session_finish Undocumented
Variable upload_session_finish_batch Undocumented
Variable upload_session_finish_batch_check Undocumented
Variable upload_session_finish_batch_v2 Undocumented
Variable upload_session_start Undocumented
Variable upload_session_start_batch Undocumented
Variable UploadArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionAppendArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionAppendError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionCursor_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishBatchLaunch_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionFinishError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionLookupError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionOffsetError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionStartArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionStartBatchArg_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionStartBatchResult_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionStartError_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionStartResult_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadSessionType_validator Undocumented
Variable UploadWriteFailed_validator Undocumented
Variable UserGeneratedTag_validator Undocumented
Variable VideoMetadata_validator Undocumented
Variable WriteConflictError_validator Undocumented
Variable WriteError_validator Undocumented
Variable WriteMode_validator Undocumented
Variable WritePath_validator Undocumented
Variable WritePathOrId_validator Undocumented


{'alpha/get_metadata': alpha_get_metadata,
 'alpha/upload': alpha_upload,
 'copy:2': copy_v2,
 'copy': copy,
 'copy_batch:2': copy_batch_v2,
 'copy_batch': copy_batch,
 'copy_batch/check:2': copy_batch_check_v2,
AddTagArg_validator = (source)


AddTagError_validator = (source)


alpha_get_metadata = (source)


alpha_upload = (source)


AlphaGetMetadataArg_validator = (source)


AlphaGetMetadataError_validator = (source)


BaseTagError_validator = (source)


CommitInfo_validator = (source)


ContentSyncSetting_validator = (source)


ContentSyncSettingArg_validator = (source)



copy_batch = (source)


copy_batch_check = (source)


copy_batch_check_v2 = (source)


copy_batch_v2 = (source)


copy_reference_get = (source)


copy_reference_save = (source)



create_folder = (source)


create_folder_batch = (source)


create_folder_batch_check = (source)


create_folder_v2 = (source)


CreateFolderArg_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchArg_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchError_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchJobStatus_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchLaunch_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchResult_validator = (source)


CreateFolderBatchResultEntry_validator = (source)


CreateFolderEntryError_validator = (source)


CreateFolderEntryResult_validator = (source)


CreateFolderError_validator = (source)


CreateFolderResult_validator = (source)



delete_batch = (source)


delete_batch_check = (source)


delete_v2 = (source)


DeleteArg_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchArg_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchError_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchJobStatus_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchLaunch_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchResult_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchResultData_validator = (source)


DeleteBatchResultEntry_validator = (source)


DeletedMetadata_validator = (source)


DeleteError_validator = (source)


DeleteResult_validator = (source)


Dimensions_validator = (source)


download = (source)


download_zip = (source)


DownloadArg_validator = (source)


DownloadError_validator = (source)


DownloadZipArg_validator = (source)


DownloadZipError_validator = (source)


DownloadZipResult_validator = (source)



ExportArg_validator = (source)


ExportError_validator = (source)


ExportInfo_validator = (source)


ExportMetadata_validator = (source)


ExportResult_validator = (source)


FileCategory_validator = (source)


FileId_validator = (source)


FileLock_validator = (source)


FileLockContent_validator = (source)


FileLockMetadata_validator = (source)


FileMetadata_validator = (source)


FileOpsResult_validator = (source)


FileSharingInfo_validator = (source)


FileStatus_validator = (source)


FolderMetadata_validator = (source)


FolderSharingInfo_validator = (source)


get_file_lock_batch = (source)


get_metadata = (source)


get_preview = (source)


get_temporary_link = (source)


get_temporary_upload_link = (source)


get_thumbnail = (source)


get_thumbnail_batch = (source)


get_thumbnail_v2 = (source)


GetCopyReferenceArg_validator = (source)


GetCopyReferenceError_validator = (source)


GetCopyReferenceResult_validator = (source)


GetMetadataArg_validator = (source)


GetMetadataError_validator = (source)


GetTagsArg_validator = (source)


GetTagsResult_validator = (source)


GetTemporaryLinkArg_validator = (source)


GetTemporaryLinkError_validator = (source)


GetTemporaryLinkResult_validator = (source)


GetTemporaryUploadLinkArg_validator = (source)


GetTemporaryUploadLinkResult_validator = (source)


GetThumbnailBatchArg_validator = (source)


GetThumbnailBatchError_validator = (source)


GetThumbnailBatchResult_validator = (source)


GetThumbnailBatchResultData_validator = (source)


GetThumbnailBatchResultEntry_validator = (source)


GpsCoordinates_validator = (source)


HighlightSpan_validator = (source)


Id_validator = (source)


ImportFormat_validator = (source)


list_folder = (source)


list_folder_continue = (source)


list_folder_get_latest_cursor = (source)


list_folder_longpoll = (source)


list_revisions = (source)


ListFolderArg_validator = (source)


ListFolderContinueArg_validator = (source)


ListFolderContinueError_validator = (source)


ListFolderCursor_validator = (source)


ListFolderError_validator = (source)


ListFolderGetLatestCursorResult_validator = (source)


ListFolderLongpollArg_validator = (source)


ListFolderLongpollError_validator = (source)


ListFolderLongpollResult_validator = (source)


ListFolderResult_validator = (source)


ListRevisionsArg_validator = (source)


ListRevisionsError_validator = (source)


ListRevisionsMode_validator = (source)


ListRevisionsResult_validator = (source)


lock_file_batch = (source)


LockConflictError_validator = (source)


LockFileArg_validator = (source)


LockFileBatchArg_validator = (source)


LockFileBatchResult_validator = (source)


LockFileError_validator = (source)


LockFileResult_validator = (source)


LockFileResultEntry_validator = (source)


LookupError_validator = (source)


MalformedPathError_validator = (source)


MediaInfo_validator = (source)


MediaMetadata_validator = (source)


Metadata_validator = (source)


MetadataV2_validator = (source)


MinimalFileLinkMetadata_validator = (source)



move_batch = (source)


move_batch_check = (source)


move_batch_check_v2 = (source)


move_batch_v2 = (source)



MoveBatchArg_validator = (source)


MoveIntoFamilyError_validator = (source)


MoveIntoVaultError_validator = (source)


paper_create = (source)


paper_update = (source)


PaperContentError_validator = (source)


PaperCreateArg_validator = (source)


PaperCreateError_validator = (source)


PaperCreateResult_validator = (source)


PaperDocUpdatePolicy_validator = (source)


PaperUpdateArg_validator = (source)


PaperUpdateError_validator = (source)


PaperUpdateResult_validator = (source)


Path_validator = (source)


PathOrId_validator = (source)


PathOrLink_validator = (source)


PathR_validator = (source)


PathROrId_validator = (source)


PathToTags_validator = (source)


permanently_delete = (source)


PhotoMetadata_validator = (source)


PreviewArg_validator = (source)


PreviewError_validator = (source)


PreviewResult_validator = (source)


properties_add = (source)


properties_overwrite = (source)


properties_remove = (source)


properties_template_get = (source)


properties_template_list = (source)


properties_update = (source)


ReadPath_validator = (source)


RelocationArg_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchArg_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchArgBase_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchError_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchErrorEntry_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchJobStatus_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchLaunch_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchResult_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchResultData_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchResultEntry_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchV2JobStatus_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchV2Launch_validator = (source)


RelocationBatchV2Result_validator = (source)


RelocationError_validator = (source)


RelocationPath_validator = (source)


RelocationResult_validator = (source)


RemoveTagArg_validator = (source)


RemoveTagError_validator = (source)



RestoreArg_validator = (source)


RestoreError_validator = (source)


Rev_validator = (source)


save_url = (source)


save_url_check_job_status = (source)


SaveCopyReferenceArg_validator = (source)


SaveCopyReferenceError_validator = (source)


SaveCopyReferenceResult_validator = (source)


SaveUrlArg_validator = (source)


SaveUrlError_validator = (source)


SaveUrlJobStatus_validator = (source)


SaveUrlResult_validator = (source)



search_continue_v2 = (source)


search_v2 = (source)


SearchArg_validator = (source)


SearchError_validator = (source)


SearchMatch_validator = (source)


SearchMatchFieldOptions_validator = (source)


SearchMatchType_validator = (source)


SearchMatchTypeV2_validator = (source)


SearchMatchV2_validator = (source)


SearchMode_validator = (source)


SearchOptions_validator = (source)


SearchOrderBy_validator = (source)


SearchResult_validator = (source)


SearchV2Arg_validator = (source)


SearchV2ContinueArg_validator = (source)


SearchV2Cursor_validator = (source)


SearchV2Result_validator = (source)


Sha256HexHash_validator = (source)


SharedLink_validator = (source)


SharedLinkFileInfo_validator = (source)


SharedLinkUrl_validator = (source)


SharingInfo_validator = (source)


SingleUserLock_validator = (source)


SymlinkInfo_validator = (source)


SyncSetting_validator = (source)


SyncSettingArg_validator = (source)


SyncSettingsError_validator = (source)


Tag_validator = (source)


tags_add = (source)


tags_get = (source)


tags_remove = (source)


TagText_validator = (source)


ThumbnailArg_validator = (source)


ThumbnailError_validator = (source)


ThumbnailFormat_validator = (source)


ThumbnailMode_validator = (source)


ThumbnailSize_validator = (source)


ThumbnailV2Arg_validator = (source)


ThumbnailV2Error_validator = (source)


unlock_file_batch = (source)


UnlockFileArg_validator = (source)


UnlockFileBatchArg_validator = (source)



upload_session_append = (source)


upload_session_append_v2 = (source)


upload_session_finish = (source)


upload_session_finish_batch = (source)


upload_session_finish_batch_check = (source)


upload_session_finish_batch_v2 = (source)


upload_session_start = (source)


upload_session_start_batch = (source)


UploadArg_validator = (source)


UploadError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionAppendArg_validator = (source)


UploadSessionAppendError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionCursor_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishArg_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishBatchArg_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishBatchJobStatus_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishBatchLaunch_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishBatchResult_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishBatchResultEntry_validator = (source)


UploadSessionFinishError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionLookupError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionOffsetError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionStartArg_validator = (source)


UploadSessionStartBatchArg_validator = (source)


UploadSessionStartBatchResult_validator = (source)


UploadSessionStartError_validator = (source)


UploadSessionStartResult_validator = (source)


UploadSessionType_validator = (source)


UploadWriteFailed_validator = (source)


UserGeneratedTag_validator = (source)


VideoMetadata_validator = (source)


WriteConflictError_validator = (source)


WriteError_validator = (source)


WriteMode_validator = (source)


WritePath_validator = (source)


WritePathOrId_validator = (source)
