module documentation

This namespace contains endpoints and data types for managing docs and folders in Dropbox Paper. New Paper users will see docs they create in their filesystem as '.paper' files alongside their other Dropbox content. The /paper endpoints are being deprecated and you'll need to use /files and /sharing endpoints to interact with their Paper content. Read more in the `Paper Migration Guide <>`_.

Class AddMember :ivar paper.AddMember.permission_level: Permission for the user. :ivar paper.AddMember.member: User which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID.
Class AddPaperDocUser :ivar paper.AddPaperDocUser.members: User which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID. :ivar paper.AddPaperDocUser.custom_message: A personal message that will be emailed to each successfully added member...
Class AddPaperDocUserMemberResult Per-member result for :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_users_add`.
Class AddPaperDocUserResult This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class Cursor :ivar paper.Cursor.value: The actual cursor value. :ivar paper.Cursor.expiration: Expiration time of ``value``. Some cursors might have expiration time assigned. This is a UTC value after which the cursor is no longer valid and the API starts returning an error...
Class DocLookupError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class DocSubscriptionLevel The subscription level of a Paper doc.
Class ExportFormat The desired export format of the Paper doc.
Class Folder Data structure representing a Paper folder.
Class FoldersContainingPaperDoc Metadata about Paper folders containing the specififed Paper doc.
Class FolderSharingPolicyType The sharing policy of a Paper folder. The sharing policy of subfolders is inherited from the root folder.
Class FolderSubscriptionLevel The subscription level of a Paper folder.
Class ImportFormat The import format of the incoming data.
Class InviteeInfoWithPermissionLevel :ivar paper.InviteeInfoWithPermissionLevel.invitee: Email address invited to the Paper doc. :ivar paper.InviteeInfoWithPermissionLevel.permission_level: Permission level for the invitee.
Class ListDocsCursorError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListPaperDocsArgs :ivar paper.ListPaperDocsArgs.filter_by: Allows user to specify how the Paper docs should be filtered. :ivar paper.ListPaperDocsArgs.sort_by: Allows user to specify how the Paper docs should be sorted...
Class ListPaperDocsContinueArgs :ivar paper.ListPaperDocsContinueArgs.cursor: The cursor obtained from :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_list` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_list_continue`. ...
Class ListPaperDocsFilterBy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListPaperDocsResponse :ivar paper.ListPaperDocsResponse.doc_ids: The list of Paper doc IDs that can be used to access the given Paper docs or supplied to other API methods. The list is sorted in the order specified by the initial call to :meth:`dropbox...
Class ListPaperDocsSortBy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListPaperDocsSortOrder This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListUsersCursorError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class ListUsersOnFolderArgs :ivar paper.ListUsersOnFolderArgs.limit: Size limit per batch. The maximum number of users that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error.
Class ListUsersOnFolderContinueArgs :ivar paper.ListUsersOnFolderContinueArgs.cursor: The cursor obtained from :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_folder_users_list` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_folder_users_list_continue`...
Class ListUsersOnFolderResponse :ivar paper.ListUsersOnFolderResponse.invitees: List of email addresses that are invited on the Paper folder. :ivar paper.ListUsersOnFolderResponse.users: List of users that are invited on the Paper folder...
Class ListUsersOnPaperDocArgs :ivar paper.ListUsersOnPaperDocArgs.limit: Size limit per batch. The maximum number of users that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error. :ivar paper...
Class ListUsersOnPaperDocContinueArgs :ivar paper.ListUsersOnPaperDocContinueArgs.cursor: The cursor obtained from :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_users_list` or :meth:`dropbox.dropbox_client.Dropbox.paper_docs_users_list_continue`...
Class ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse :ivar paper.ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse.invitees: List of email addresses with their respective permission levels that are invited on the Paper doc. :ivar paper.ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse.users: List of users with their respective permission levels that are invited on the Paper folder...
Class PaperApiBaseError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperApiCursorError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperDocCreateArgs :ivar paper.PaperDocCreateArgs.parent_folder_id: The Paper folder ID where the Paper document should be created. The API user has to have write access to this folder or error is thrown. :ivar paper...
Class PaperDocCreateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperDocCreateUpdateResult :ivar paper.PaperDocCreateUpdateResult.doc_id: Doc ID of the newly created doc. :ivar paper.PaperDocCreateUpdateResult.revision: The Paper doc revision. Simply an ever increasing number. :ivar paper...
Class PaperDocExport Undocumented
Class PaperDocExportResult :ivar paper.PaperDocExportResult.owner: The Paper doc owner's email address. :ivar paper.PaperDocExportResult.title: The Paper doc title. :ivar paper.PaperDocExportResult.revision: The Paper doc revision...
Class PaperDocPermissionLevel This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperDocSharingPolicy :ivar paper.PaperDocSharingPolicy.sharing_policy: The default sharing policy to be set for the Paper doc.
Class PaperDocUpdateArgs :ivar paper.PaperDocUpdateArgs.doc_update_policy: The policy used for the current update call. :ivar paper.PaperDocUpdateArgs.revision: The latest doc revision. This value must match the head revision or an error code will be returned...
Class PaperDocUpdateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperDocUpdatePolicy This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperFolderCreateArg :ivar The name of the new Paper folder. :ivar paper.PaperFolderCreateArg.parent_folder_id: The encrypted Paper folder Id where the new Paper folder should be created...
Class PaperFolderCreateError This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class PaperFolderCreateResult :ivar paper.PaperFolderCreateResult.folder_id: Folder ID of the newly created folder.
Class RefPaperDoc :ivar paper.RefPaperDoc.doc_id: The Paper doc ID.
Class RemovePaperDocUser :ivar paper.RemovePaperDocUser.member: User which should be removed from the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID.
Class SharingPolicy Sharing policy of Paper doc.
Class SharingPublicPolicyType This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Class SharingTeamPolicyType The sharing policy type of the Paper doc.
Class UserInfoWithPermissionLevel :ivar paper.UserInfoWithPermissionLevel.user: User shared on the Paper doc. :ivar paper.UserInfoWithPermissionLevel.permission_level: Permission level for the user.
Class UserOnPaperDocFilter This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method.
Constant ROUTES Undocumented
Variable AddMember_validator Undocumented
Variable AddPaperDocUser_validator Undocumented
Variable AddPaperDocUserMemberResult_validator Undocumented
Variable AddPaperDocUserResult_validator Undocumented
Variable Cursor_validator Undocumented
Variable DocLookupError_validator Undocumented
Variable docs_archive Undocumented
Variable docs_create Undocumented
Variable docs_download Undocumented
Variable docs_folder_users_list Undocumented
Variable docs_folder_users_list_continue Undocumented
Variable docs_get_folder_info Undocumented
Variable docs_list Undocumented
Variable docs_list_continue Undocumented
Variable docs_permanently_delete Undocumented
Variable docs_sharing_policy_get Undocumented
Variable docs_sharing_policy_set Undocumented
Variable docs_update Undocumented
Variable docs_users_add Undocumented
Variable docs_users_list Undocumented
Variable docs_users_list_continue Undocumented
Variable docs_users_remove Undocumented
Variable DocSubscriptionLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable ExportFormat_validator Undocumented
Variable Folder_validator Undocumented
Variable folders_create Undocumented
Variable FoldersContainingPaperDoc_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderSharingPolicyType_validator Undocumented
Variable FolderSubscriptionLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable ImportFormat_validator Undocumented
Variable InviteeInfoWithPermissionLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable ListDocsCursorError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsContinueArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsFilterBy_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsResponse_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsSortBy_validator Undocumented
Variable ListPaperDocsSortOrder_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersCursorError_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnFolderArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnFolderContinueArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnFolderResponse_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnPaperDocArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnPaperDocContinueArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperApiBaseError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperApiCursorError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocCreateArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocCreateError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocCreateUpdateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocExport_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocExportResult_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocId_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocPermissionLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocSharingPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocUpdateArgs_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocUpdateError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperDocUpdatePolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperFolderCreateArg_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperFolderCreateError_validator Undocumented
Variable PaperFolderCreateResult_validator Undocumented
Variable RefPaperDoc_validator Undocumented
Variable RemovePaperDocUser_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingPolicy_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingPublicPolicyType_validator Undocumented
Variable SharingTeamPolicyType_validator Undocumented
Variable UserInfoWithPermissionLevel_validator Undocumented
Variable UserOnPaperDocFilter_validator Undocumented


{'docs/archive': docs_archive,
 'docs/create': docs_create,
 'docs/download': docs_download,
 'docs/folder_users/list': docs_folder_users_list,
 'docs/folder_users/list/continue': docs_folder_users_list_continue,
 'docs/get_folder_info': docs_get_folder_info,
 'docs/list': docs_list,
AddMember_validator = (source)


AddPaperDocUser_validator = (source)


AddPaperDocUserMemberResult_validator = (source)


AddPaperDocUserResult_validator = (source)


Cursor_validator = (source)


DocLookupError_validator = (source)


docs_archive = (source)


docs_create = (source)


docs_download = (source)


docs_folder_users_list = (source)


docs_folder_users_list_continue = (source)


docs_get_folder_info = (source)


docs_list = (source)


docs_list_continue = (source)


docs_permanently_delete = (source)


docs_sharing_policy_get = (source)


docs_sharing_policy_set = (source)


docs_update = (source)


docs_users_add = (source)


docs_users_list = (source)


docs_users_list_continue = (source)


docs_users_remove = (source)


DocSubscriptionLevel_validator = (source)


ExportFormat_validator = (source)


Folder_validator = (source)


folders_create = (source)


FoldersContainingPaperDoc_validator = (source)


FolderSharingPolicyType_validator = (source)


FolderSubscriptionLevel_validator = (source)


ImportFormat_validator = (source)


InviteeInfoWithPermissionLevel_validator = (source)


ListDocsCursorError_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsArgs_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsContinueArgs_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsFilterBy_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsResponse_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsSortBy_validator = (source)


ListPaperDocsSortOrder_validator = (source)


ListUsersCursorError_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnFolderArgs_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnFolderContinueArgs_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnFolderResponse_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnPaperDocArgs_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnPaperDocContinueArgs_validator = (source)


ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse_validator = (source)


PaperApiBaseError_validator = (source)


PaperApiCursorError_validator = (source)


PaperDocCreateArgs_validator = (source)


PaperDocCreateError_validator = (source)


PaperDocCreateUpdateResult_validator = (source)


PaperDocExport_validator = (source)


PaperDocExportResult_validator = (source)


PaperDocId_validator = (source)


PaperDocPermissionLevel_validator = (source)


PaperDocSharingPolicy_validator = (source)


PaperDocUpdateArgs_validator = (source)


PaperDocUpdateError_validator = (source)


PaperDocUpdatePolicy_validator = (source)


PaperFolderCreateArg_validator = (source)


PaperFolderCreateError_validator = (source)


PaperFolderCreateResult_validator = (source)


RefPaperDoc_validator = (source)


RemovePaperDocUser_validator = (source)


SharingPolicy_validator = (source)


SharingPublicPolicyType_validator = (source)


SharingTeamPolicyType_validator = (source)


UserInfoWithPermissionLevel_validator = (source)


UserOnPaperDocFilter_validator = (source)
