class documentation

class LockFileError(bb.Union): (source)

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This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar LookupError LockFileError.path_lookup: Could not find the specified resource. :ivar files.LockFileError.too_many_write_operations: There are too many write operations in user's Dropbox. Please retry this request. :ivar files.LockFileError.too_many_files: There are too many files in one request. Please retry with fewer files. :ivar files.LockFileError.no_write_permission: The user does not have permissions to change the lock state or access the file. :ivar files.LockFileError.cannot_be_locked: Item is a type that cannot be locked. :ivar files.LockFileError.file_not_shared: Requested file is not currently shared. :ivar LockConflictError LockFileError.lock_conflict: The user action conflicts with an existing lock on the file. :ivar files.LockFileError.internal_error: Something went wrong with the job on Dropbox's end. You'll need to verify that the action you were taking succeeded, and if not, try again. This should happen very rarely.

Class Method lock_conflict Create an instance of this class set to the ``lock_conflict`` tag with value ``val``.
Class Method path_lookup Create an instance of this class set to the ``path_lookup`` tag with value ``val``.
Method get_lock_conflict The user action conflicts with an existing lock on the file.
Method get_path_lookup Could not find the specified resource.
Method is_cannot_be_locked Check if the union tag is ``cannot_be_locked``.
Method is_file_not_shared Check if the union tag is ``file_not_shared``.
Method is_internal_error Check if the union tag is ``internal_error``.
Method is_lock_conflict Check if the union tag is ``lock_conflict``.
Method is_no_write_permission Check if the union tag is ``no_write_permission``.
Method is_other Check if the union tag is ``other``.
Method is_path_lookup Check if the union tag is ``path_lookup``.
Method is_too_many_files Check if the union tag is ``too_many_files``.
Method is_too_many_write_operations Check if the union tag is ``too_many_write_operations``.
Class Variable cannot_be_locked Undocumented
Class Variable file_not_shared Undocumented
Class Variable internal_error Undocumented
Class Variable no_write_permission Undocumented
Class Variable other Undocumented
Class Variable too_many_files Undocumented
Class Variable too_many_write_operations Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented
def lock_conflict(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``lock_conflict`` tag with value ``val``. :param LockConflictError val: :rtype: LockFileError

def path_lookup(cls, val): (source)

Create an instance of this class set to the ``path_lookup`` tag with value ``val``. :param LookupError val: :rtype: LockFileError

def get_lock_conflict(self): (source)

The user action conflicts with an existing lock on the file. Only call this if :meth:`is_lock_conflict` is true. :rtype: LockConflictError

def get_path_lookup(self): (source)

Could not find the specified resource. Only call this if :meth:`is_path_lookup` is true. :rtype: LookupError

def is_cannot_be_locked(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``cannot_be_locked``. :rtype: bool

def is_file_not_shared(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``file_not_shared``. :rtype: bool

def is_internal_error(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``internal_error``. :rtype: bool

def is_lock_conflict(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``lock_conflict``. :rtype: bool

def is_no_write_permission(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``no_write_permission``. :rtype: bool

def is_other(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``other``. :rtype: bool

def is_path_lookup(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``path_lookup``. :rtype: bool

def is_too_many_files(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``too_many_files``. :rtype: bool

def is_too_many_write_operations(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``too_many_write_operations``. :rtype: bool

cannot_be_locked = (source)


file_not_shared = (source)


internal_error = (source)


no_write_permission = (source)



too_many_files = (source)


too_many_write_operations = (source)


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)


_catch_all: str = (source)
