class documentation

class UploadSessionAppendError(UploadSessionLookupError): (source)

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This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar files.UploadSessionAppendError.content_hash_mismatch: The content received by the Dropbox server in this call does not match the provided content hash.

Method is_content_hash_mismatch Check if the union tag is ``content_hash_mismatch``.
Class Variable content_hash_mismatch Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented

Inherited from UploadSessionLookupError:

Class Method incorrect_offset Create an instance of this class set to the ``incorrect_offset`` tag with value ``val``.
Method get_incorrect_offset The specified offset was incorrect. See the value for the correct offset. This error may occur when a previous request was received and processed successfully but the client did not receive the response, e...
Method is_closed Check if the union tag is ``closed``.
Method is_concurrent_session_invalid_data_size Check if the union tag is ``concurrent_session_invalid_data_size``.
Method is_concurrent_session_invalid_offset Check if the union tag is ``concurrent_session_invalid_offset``.
Method is_incorrect_offset Check if the union tag is ``incorrect_offset``.
Method is_not_closed Check if the union tag is ``not_closed``.
Method is_not_found Check if the union tag is ``not_found``.
Method is_other Check if the union tag is ``other``.
Method is_payload_too_large Check if the union tag is ``payload_too_large``.
Method is_too_large Check if the union tag is ``too_large``.
Class Variable closed Undocumented
Class Variable concurrent_session_invalid_data_size Undocumented
Class Variable concurrent_session_invalid_offset Undocumented
Class Variable not_closed Undocumented
Class Variable not_found Undocumented
Class Variable other Undocumented
Class Variable payload_too_large Undocumented
Class Variable too_large Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented
def is_content_hash_mismatch(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``content_hash_mismatch``. :rtype: bool

content_hash_mismatch = (source)


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)