class documentation

class ThumbnailSize(bb.Union): (source)

View In Hierarchy

This class acts as a tagged union. Only one of the ``is_*`` methods will return true. To get the associated value of a tag (if one exists), use the corresponding ``get_*`` method. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w32h32: 32 by 32 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w64h64: 64 by 64 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w128h128: 128 by 128 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w256h256: 256 by 256 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w480h320: 480 by 320 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w640h480: 640 by 480 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w960h640: 960 by 640 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w1024h768: 1024 by 768 px. :ivar files.ThumbnailSize.w2048h1536: 2048 by 1536 px.

Method is_w1024h768 Check if the union tag is ``w1024h768``.
Method is_w128h128 Check if the union tag is ``w128h128``.
Method is_w2048h1536 Check if the union tag is ``w2048h1536``.
Method is_w256h256 Check if the union tag is ``w256h256``.
Method is_w32h32 Check if the union tag is ``w32h32``.
Method is_w480h320 Check if the union tag is ``w480h320``.
Method is_w640h480 Check if the union tag is ``w640h480``.
Method is_w64h64 Check if the union tag is ``w64h64``.
Method is_w960h640 Check if the union tag is ``w960h640``.
Class Variable w1024h768 Undocumented
Class Variable w128h128 Undocumented
Class Variable w2048h1536 Undocumented
Class Variable w256h256 Undocumented
Class Variable w32h32 Undocumented
Class Variable w480h320 Undocumented
Class Variable w640h480 Undocumented
Class Variable w64h64 Undocumented
Class Variable w960h640 Undocumented
Method _process_custom_annotations Undocumented
Class Variable _catch_all Undocumented
def is_w1024h768(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w1024h768``. :rtype: bool

def is_w128h128(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w128h128``. :rtype: bool

def is_w2048h1536(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w2048h1536``. :rtype: bool

def is_w256h256(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w256h256``. :rtype: bool

def is_w32h32(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w32h32``. :rtype: bool

def is_w480h320(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w480h320``. :rtype: bool

def is_w640h480(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w640h480``. :rtype: bool

def is_w64h64(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w64h64``. :rtype: bool

def is_w960h640(self): (source)

Check if the union tag is ``w960h640``. :rtype: bool

w1024h768 = (source)


w128h128 = (source)


w2048h1536 = (source)


w256h256 = (source)



w480h320 = (source)


w640h480 = (source)



w960h640 = (source)


def _process_custom_annotations(self, annotation_type, field_path, processor): (source)


_catch_all = (source)
