module documentation

A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro catalog.

Function catalog Commands for working with catalog.
Function catalog_cli Undocumented
Function create_catalog Create Data Catalog YAML configuration with missing datasets.
Function list_datasets Show datasets per type.
Function _add_missing_datasets_to_catalog Undocumented
Function _create_session Undocumented
Function _map_type_to_datasets Build dictionary with a dataset type as a key and list of datasets of the specific type as a value.
def catalog(): (source)

Commands for working with catalog.'Kedro')
def catalog_cli(): (source)


@env_option(help='Environment to create Data Catalog YAML file in. Defaults to `base`.')
@click.option('--pipeline', '-p', 'pipeline_name', type=str, required=True, help='Name of a pipeline.')
def create_catalog(metadata: ProjectMetadata, pipeline_name, env): (source)

Create Data Catalog YAML configuration with missing datasets.

Add MemoryDataSet datasets to Data Catalog YAML configuration file for each dataset in a registered pipeline if it is missing from the DataCatalog.

The catalog configuration will be saved to <conf_source>/<env>/catalog/<pipeline_name>.yml file.

@click.option('--pipeline', '-p', type=str, default='', help='Name of the modular pipeline to run. If not set, the project pipeline is run by default.', callback=split_string)
def list_datasets(metadata: ProjectMetadata, pipeline, env): (source)

Show datasets per type.

def _add_missing_datasets_to_catalog(missing_ds, catalog_path): (source)


def _create_session(package_name: str, **kwargs): (source)


def _map_type_to_datasets(datasets, datasets_meta): (source)

Build dictionary with a dataset type as a key and list of datasets of the specific type as a value.