package documentation

kedro.framework.cli implements commands available from Kedro's CLI.

Module catalog A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro catalog.
Module cli kedro is a CLI for managing Kedro projects.
Package hooks kedro.framework.cli.hooks provides primitives to use hooks to extend KedroCLI's behaviour
Module jupyter A collection of helper functions to integrate with Jupyter/IPython and CLI commands for working with Kedro catalog.
Module micropkg A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro micro-packages.
Module pipeline A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro pipelines.
Module project A collection of CLI commands for working with Kedro project.
Module registry A collection of CLI commands for working with registered Kedro pipelines.
Module starters kedro is a CLI for managing Kedro projects.
Module utils Utilities for use with click.


Function command_with_verbosity Custom command decorator with verbose flag added.
Function load_entry_points Load package entry point commands.
Function main Main entry point. Look for a, and, if found, add its commands to kedro's before invoking the CLI.
def main(): (source)

Main entry point. Look for a, and, if found, add its commands to kedro's before invoking the CLI.

def command_with_verbosity(group: click.core.Group, *args, **kwargs): (source)

Custom command decorator with verbose flag added.

def load_entry_points(name: str) -> Sequence[click.MultiCommand]: (source)

Load package entry point commands.

name:strThe key value specified in ENTRY_POINT_GROUPS.
Sequence[click.MultiCommand]List of entry point commands.
KedroCliErrorIf loading an entry point failed.