package documentation

kedro.framework.cli.hooks provides primitives to use hooks to extend KedroCLI's behaviour

Module manager This module defines a dedicated hook manager for hooks that extends Kedro CLI behaviour.
Module markers This module provides markers to declare Kedro CLI's hook specs and implementations. For more information, please see [Pluggy's documentation](
Module specs A module containing specifications for all callable hooks in the Kedro CLI's execution timeline. For more information about these specifications, please visit [Pluggy's documentation](


Class CLIHooksManager Hooks manager to manage CLI hooks
Function get_cli_hook_manager Create or return the global _hook_manager singleton instance.
Variable cli_hook_impl Undocumented
def get_cli_hook_manager(): (source)

Create or return the global _hook_manager singleton instance.

cli_hook_impl = (source)
