module documentation

kedro is a CLI for managing Kedro projects.

This module implements commands available from the kedro CLI.

Class KedroCLI A CommandCollection class to encapsulate the KedroCLI command loading.
Function cli Kedro is a CLI for creating and using Kedro projects. For more information, type kedro info.
Function docs Display the online API docs and introductory tutorial in the browser. (DEPRECATED)
Function info Get more information about kedro.
Constant LOGO Undocumented
Function _init_plugins Undocumented, name='Kedro')
@click.version_option(version, '--version', '-V', help='Show version and exit')
def cli(): (source)

Kedro is a CLI for creating and using Kedro projects. For more information, type kedro info.

@cli.command(short_help='See the kedro API docs and introductory tutorial.')
def docs(): (source)

Display the online API docs and introductory tutorial in the browser. (DEPRECATED)

def info(): (source)

Get more information about kedro.


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def _init_plugins(): (source)
