module documentation

Test cases for the command line. To begin we test that "mypy <directory>[/]" always recurses down the whole tree.

Class PythonCmdlineSuite Undocumented
Function parse_args Parse the first line of the program for the command line.
Function parse_cwd Parse the second line of the program for the command line.
Function test_python_cmdline Undocumented
Variable cmdline_files Undocumented
def parse_args(line: str) -> list[str]: (source)

Parse the first line of the program for the command line. This should have the form # cmd: mypy <options> For example: # cmd: mypy pkg/

def parse_cwd(line: str) -> str|None: (source)

Parse the second line of the program for the command line. This should have the form # cwd: <directory> For example: # cwd: main/subdir

def test_python_cmdline(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase, step: int): (source)


cmdline_files: list[str] = (source)
