module documentation


Class PEP561Suite Undocumented
Function install_package Install a package from test-data/packages/pkg/
Function parse_mypy_args Undocumented
Function parse_pkgs Undocumented
Function test_mypy_path_is_respected Undocumented
Function test_pep561 Test running mypy on files that depend on PEP 561 packages.
Function virtualenv Context manager that creates a virtualenv in a temporary directory
def install_package(pkg: str, python_executable: str = sys.executable, use_pip: bool = True, editable: bool = False): (source)

Install a package from test-data/packages/pkg/

def parse_mypy_args(line: str) -> list[str]: (source)


def parse_pkgs(comment: str) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]: (source)


def test_mypy_path_is_respected(): (source)


def test_pep561(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase): (source)

Test running mypy on files that depend on PEP 561 packages.

def virtualenv(python_executable: str = sys.executable) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]: (source)

Context manager that creates a virtualenv in a temporary directory Returns the path to the created Python executable