module documentation

End-to-end test cases for the daemon (dmypy). These are special because they run multiple shell commands. This also includes some unit tests.

Class DaemonSuite Undocumented
Class DaemonUtilitySuite Unit tests for helpers
Function parse_script Parse testcase.input into steps.
Function run_cmd Undocumented
Function test_daemon Undocumented
Variable daemon_files Undocumented
def parse_script(input: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]: (source)

Parse testcase.input into steps. Each command starts with a line starting with '$'. The first line (less '$') is sent to the shell. The remaining lines are expected output.

def run_cmd(input: str) -> tuple[int, str]: (source)


def test_daemon(testcase: DataDrivenTestCase): (source)


daemon_files: list[str] = (source)
