class documentation

class DiadefsHandler: (source)

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Get diagram definitions from user (i.e. xml files) or generate them.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_diadefs Get the diagram's configuration data.
Instance Variable config Undocumented
def __init__(self, config: argparse.Namespace): (source)


def get_diadefs(self, project: Project, linker: Linker) -> list[ClassDiagram]: (source)

Get the diagram's configuration data. :param project:The pyreverse project :type project: pyreverse.utils.Project :param linker: The linker :type linker: pyreverse.inspector.Linker(IdGeneratorMixIn, LocalsVisitor) :returns: The list of diagram definitions :rtype: list(:class:`pylint.pyreverse.diagrams.ClassDiagram`)
