class documentation

class TestCommandSpec: (source)

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Method test_custom_launch_command Show how a custom CommandSpec could be used to specify a #! executable which takes parameters.
Method test_from_environment_with_spaces_in_executable Undocumented
Method test_from_param_for_CommandSpec_is_passthrough from_param should return an instance of a CommandSpec
Method test_from_simple_string_uses_shlex In order to support `executable = /usr/bin/env my-python`, make sure from_param invokes shlex on that input.
def test_custom_launch_command(self): (source)

Show how a custom CommandSpec could be used to specify a #! executable which takes parameters.

@mock.patch('sys.executable', TestScriptHeader.exe_with_spaces)
def test_from_environment_with_spaces_in_executable(self): (source)


def test_from_param_for_CommandSpec_is_passthrough(self): (source)

from_param should return an instance of a CommandSpec

def test_from_simple_string_uses_shlex(self): (source)

In order to support `executable = /usr/bin/env my-python`, make sure from_param invokes shlex on that input.