class documentation

class TestSetupRequires: (source)

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Static Method create_sdist Return an sdist with a setup_requires dependency (of something that doesn't exist)
Method test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params When easy_install installs a source distribution which specifies setup_requires, it should honor the fetch parameters (such as index-url, and find-links).
Method test_setup_requires_honors_pip_env Undocumented
Method test_setup_requires_override_nspkg Like ``test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict`` but where the ``setup_requires`` package is part of a namespace package that has *already* been imported.
Method test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict Regression test for distribution issue 323:
Method test_setup_requires_with_allow_hosts The `allow-hosts` option in not supported anymore.
Method test_setup_requires_with_attr_version Undocumented
Method test_setup_requires_with_distutils_command_dep Use case: ensure build requirements' extras are properly installed and activated.
Method test_setup_requires_with_find_links_in_setup_cfg Undocumented
Method test_setup_requires_with_pep508_url Undocumented
Method test_setup_requires_with_python_requires Check `python_requires` is honored.
Method test_setup_requires_with_transitive_extra_dependency Use case: installing a package with a build dependency on an already installed `dep[extra]`, which in turn depends on `extra_dep` (whose is not already installed).
Class Variable use_setup_cfg Undocumented

Return an sdist with a setup_requires dependency (of something that doesn't exist)

def test_setup_requires_honors_fetch_params(self, mock_index, monkeypatch): (source)

When easy_install installs a source distribution which specifies setup_requires, it should honor the fetch parameters (such as index-url, and find-links).

def test_setup_requires_honors_pip_env(self, mock_index, monkeypatch): (source)


@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
def test_setup_requires_override_nspkg(self, use_setup_cfg): (source)

Like ``test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict`` but where the ``setup_requires`` package is part of a namespace package that has *already* been imported.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
def test_setup_requires_overrides_version_conflict(self, use_setup_cfg): (source)

Regression test for distribution issue 323: Ensures that a distribution's setup_requires requirements can still be installed and used locally even if a conflicting version of that requirement is already on the path.

def test_setup_requires_with_allow_hosts(self, mock_index): (source)

The `allow-hosts` option in not supported anymore.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('use_setup_cfg', use_setup_cfg)
def test_setup_requires_with_attr_version(self, use_setup_cfg): (source)


def test_setup_requires_with_distutils_command_dep(self, monkeypatch): (source)

Use case: ensure build requirements' extras are properly installed and activated.

@pytest.mark.parametrize('with_dependency_links_in_setup_py', (False, True))
def test_setup_requires_with_find_links_in_setup_cfg(self, monkeypatch, with_dependency_links_in_setup_py): (source)


def test_setup_requires_with_pep508_url(self, mock_index, monkeypatch): (source)


def test_setup_requires_with_python_requires(self, monkeypatch, tmpdir): (source)

Check `python_requires` is honored.

def test_setup_requires_with_transitive_extra_dependency(self, monkeypatch): (source)

Use case: installing a package with a build dependency on an already installed `dep[extra]`, which in turn depends on `extra_dep` (whose is not already installed).

use_setup_cfg: tuple = (source)
