module documentation

Easy install Tests

Class FakeDist Undocumented
Class TestCommandSpec No class docstring; 3/4 methods documented
Class TestDistutilsPackage Undocumented
Class TestEasyInstallTest No class docstring; 5/15 methods documented
Class TestInstallRequires No class docstring; 1/2 method documented
Class TestPTHFileWriter No class docstring; 1/2 method documented
Class TestScriptHeader Undocumented
Class TestSetupRequires No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 7/11 methods, 1/1 static method documented
Class TestUserInstallTest No class docstring; 0/1 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 2/8 methods, 0/1 static method documented
Class TestWindowsScriptWriter Undocumented
Function create_setup_requires_package Creates a source tree under path for a trivial test package that has a single requirement in setup_requires--a tarball for that requirement is also created and added to the dependency_links argument.
Function distutils_package Undocumented
Function make_nspkg_sdist Make an sdist tarball with distname and version which also contains one package with the same name as distname. The top-level package is designated a namespace package).
Function make_python_requires_sdist Undocumented
Function make_sdist Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing the files listed in ``files`` as ``(filename, content)`` tuples.
Function make_trivial_sdist Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing just a simple
Function mock_index Undocumented
Function pip_disable_index Important: Disable the default index for pip to avoid querying packages in the index and potentially resolving and installing packages there.
Function setup_context Undocumented
Function test_editable_user_and_build_isolation ` develop` should honor `--user` even under build isolation
Function test_use_correct_python_version_string Undocumented
Constant SETUP_PY Undocumented
Variable VersionStub Undocumented
def create_setup_requires_package(path, distname='foobar', version='0.1', make_package=make_trivial_sdist, setup_py_template=None, setup_attrs={}, use_setup_cfg=()): (source)

Creates a source tree under path for a trivial test package that has a single requirement in setup_requires--a tarball for that requirement is also created and added to the dependency_links argument. ``distname`` and ``version`` refer to the name/version of the package that the test package requires via ``setup_requires``. The name of the test package itself is just 'test_pkg'.

def distutils_package(): (source)


def make_nspkg_sdist(dist_path, distname, version): (source)

Make an sdist tarball with distname and version which also contains one package with the same name as distname. The top-level package is designated a namespace package).

def make_python_requires_sdist(dist_path, distname, version, python_requires): (source)


def make_sdist(dist_path, files): (source)

Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing the files listed in ``files`` as ``(filename, content)`` tuples.

def make_trivial_sdist(dist_path, distname, version): (source)

Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing just a simple

def mock_index(): (source)


def pip_disable_index(monkeypatch): (source)

Important: Disable the default index for pip to avoid querying packages in the index and potentially resolving and installing packages there.

def setup_context(tmpdir): (source)


def test_editable_user_and_build_isolation(setup_context, monkeypatch, tmp_path): (source)

` develop` should honor `--user` even under build isolation

def test_use_correct_python_version_string(tmpdir, tmpdir_cwd, monkeypatch): (source)


SETUP_PY = (source)


DALS('\n    from setuptools import setup\n\n    setup()\n    ')
VersionStub = (source)
