module documentation


Function access_pypi Undocumented
Function pytest_virtualenv_works pytest_virtualenv may not work. if it doesn't, skip these tests. See #1284.
Function test_clean_env_install Check setuptools can be installed in a clean environment.
Function test_no_missing_dependencies Quick and dirty test to ensure all external dependencies are vendored.
Function test_pip_upgrade_from_source Check pip can upgrade setuptools from source.
Function test_test_command_install_requirements Undocumented
Function _check_test_command_install_requirements Check the test command will install all required dependencies.
def access_pypi(): (source)


def pytest_virtualenv_works(venv): (source)

pytest_virtualenv may not work. if it doesn't, skip these tests. See #1284.

def test_clean_env_install(venv_without_setuptools, setuptools_wheel): (source)

Check setuptools can be installed in a clean environment.

def test_no_missing_dependencies(bare_venv, request): (source)

Quick and dirty test to ensure all external dependencies are vendored.

@pytest.mark.skipif('platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy"', reason='')
@pytest.mark.skipif(not access_pypi(), reason='no network')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pip_version', [None, pytest.param('pip<20.1', marks=pytest.mark.xfail('sys.version_info > (3, 12)', reason='pip 22 requried for Python 3.12 and later')), pytest.param('pip<21', marks=pytest.mark.xfail('sys.version_info > (3, 12)', reason='pip 22 requried for Python 3.12 and later')), pytest.param('pip<22', marks=pytest.mark.xfail('sys.version_info > (3, 12)', reason='pip 22 requried for Python 3.12 and later')), 'pip<23', pytest.param('', marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='#2975'))])
def test_pip_upgrade_from_source(pip_version, venv_without_setuptools, setuptools_wheel, setuptools_sdist): (source)

Check pip can upgrade setuptools from source.

def test_test_command_install_requirements(venv, tmpdir, tmpdir_cwd): (source)


def _check_test_command_install_requirements(venv, tmpdir): (source)

Check the test command will install all required dependencies.