class documentation

Tests for implementations of IKnownHostEntry. Subclasses must set the 'entry' attribute to a provider of that interface, the implementation of that interface under test.

Method test_fromString Constructing a plain text entry from an unhashed known_hosts entry will result in an IKnownHostEntry provider with 'keyString', 'hostname', and 'keyType' attributes. While outside the interface in question, these attributes are held in common by ...
Method test_matchesHost IKnownHostEntry.matchesHost checks to see if an entry matches a given hostname.
Method test_matchesKey IKnownHostEntry.matchesKey checks to see if an entry matches a given SSH key.
Method test_providesInterface The given entry should provide IKnownHostEntry.
Instance Variable entry a provider of IKnownHostEntry with a hostname of and an RSA key of sampleKey.
def test_fromString(self): (source)

Constructing a plain text entry from an unhashed known_hosts entry will result in an IKnownHostEntry provider with 'keyString', 'hostname', and 'keyType' attributes. While outside the interface in question, these attributes are held in common by PlainEntry and HashedEntry implementations; other implementations should override this method in subclasses.

def test_matchesHost(self): (source)

IKnownHostEntry.matchesHost checks to see if an entry matches a given hostname.

def test_matchesKey(self): (source)

IKnownHostEntry.matchesKey checks to see if an entry matches a given SSH key.

def test_providesInterface(self): (source)

The given entry should provide IKnownHostEntry.