class documentation

class FakeFile: (source)

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A fake file-like object that acts enough like a file for ConsoleUI.prompt.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method close Set the 'closed' flag to True, explicitly marking that it has been closed.
Method readline Return a line from the 'inlines' list.
Method write Append the given item to the 'outchunks' list.
Instance Variable closed Undocumented
Instance Variable inlines Undocumented
Instance Variable outchunks Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def close(self): (source)

Set the 'closed' flag to True, explicitly marking that it has been closed.

def readline(self): (source)

Return a line from the 'inlines' list.

def write(self, chunk): (source)

Append the given item to the 'outchunks' list.



outchunks: list = (source)
